Overwatch 2 players want key Mercy nerf to her rez ability

Patrick Dane
Mercy in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 players are debating their frustrations at Mercy’s resurrection ability, with some saying it’s too forgiving and easy to use. 

Mercy has long been one of Overwatch 2‘s most beloved but controversial characters. The roster’s guardian angel often garners strong opinions, from those who adore her flighty kit, ability to boost others’ damage, and of course, bring players back from the dead. That said, it’s just as easy to find those who loathe her for the exact same reasons. 

Her resurrection is one of the most controversial abilities in the game. It’s seen massive reworks since Mercy was introduced in Overwatch 1. In its early form, the ability was her Ultimate, and had the capability to bring back an entire team from death. 

It eventually was reworked into its current form which can only bring back one player, but in many cases, this can still turn the tide of a lost fight. Killing a key target with a well-thought-out ultimate can be reversed quickly, making many feel like their efforts are wasted. 

However, thanks to ongoing arguments about the ability, many are asking for a change to how it works, making it fairer to play against. 

Mercy’s rez has people arguing yet again

A Reddit thread titled “Do mercy players genuinely think being able to rez from that far is okay?” has garnered over 1.9k votes at the time of writing. It links a picture of Mercy master Skiesti tweeting an image of the area where Mercy is able to activate her resurrection. 

However, the sentiment that has risen to the top of the discussion is a suggested change to make the ability more reliable to counter. The top comment says: “It should require LoS.”

LoS stands for ‘line of sight’. This is because Mercy can start a rez and then fall behind cover, completely safe while the resurrection is performed, all without keeping the player in her vision.

Others echoed the sentiment saying, “Just make it need LoS, rez through walls is just so ridiculous with how little counterplay there is for it.”

Another added: “Rez definitely should require LoS. I hate nothing more than guarding a body, specifically to stop rez, only to see the Mercy do it through the wall/floor/roof or starting it and then dropping off an edge at Mach 3.”

However, not everyone agrees. Some players pushed back saying others are asking for too much to be nerfed. They said: “The venn diagram of people who think Mercy is a healbot and people who campaign to remove every bit of tech from Mercy’s kit is a single circle.”

Another concurred: “The amount of times I witness people not being able to make up their minds about what to do with Mercy is absurd.”

As ever, this is a great example of how Mercy will remain one of the most controversial characters in Overwatch far into the future. It’d be nice to see her lose the unfair ability to revive teammates from cover. That said, she’s not particularly strong in the meta right now. She’d probably need compensatory buffs in return.