Beautiful Widowmaker concept skin would be perfect addition to Overwatch

David Purcell

Overwatch has some incredible skins for many of its heroes already available in the game, but this fan-made costume for Widowmaker might just top them all. 

The team-based multiplayer has a variety of different characters – One of which is Widowmaker, the damage hero with a powerful sniper rifle at her disposal. 

While original character outfits are still popular among the fanbase, the game’s online community have produced a number of concept skins since its May 2016 launch. 

John WilsonFirst look at this incredible Widowmaker skin concept for Overwatch.

Not many have looked as game-ready as this one from John Wilson, though, which he says was inspired by another fan design.

“Overwatch has been one of my favorite shooters in recent history and I am very happy to have been able to do a fan piece,” Wilson wrote on his Art Station post. 

John WilsonA closer look at Wilson’s Widowmaker design.

“Widowmakers design has always been so sleek and elegant,” he added. “I felt Amber Ye’s mash-up of an Alice in Wonderland inspired peace seemed really fitting.”

It’s highly unlikely that Wilson’s design will ever be added to Overwatch by Blizzard, but fans will be expecting more skins to be revealed with future content updates. 

The patch notes for Overwatch’s February 26 PTR update included a slight change to Widowmaker too, as the damage taken by armor from her Venom Mine and beam weapons varied greatly. 

However, now the impact of the character’s weapons will be more predictable – according to Blizzard. 

About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: