Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl may have much-loved feature removed

Brent Koepp
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl screenshot

A UK rating for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl has fans worried that a beloved feature from the original Sinnoh games could be cut from the 2021 remakes.

Despite being announced back in February, Game Freak has been tight-lipped about the upcoming Sinnoh remakes. The game’s release is in just three months and we have yet to have even a Direct about it.

A PEGI rating for Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl went viral after players speculated it hints at a classic mechanic being excluded from the Studio ILCA reimaginings. Could the Nintendo Switch RPGs be missing a feature?

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond eShop Pegi
A rating for Brilliant Diamond & Shining pearl sparked speculation with fans.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl feature cut?

Speculation about the dropped feature first sparked when Pokemon expert Eclipse posted what appeared to be the UK rating for Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.

In the August 5 tweet, the user uploaded two display images of the Sinnoh remakes’ artwork. In the lower left-hand corner, a PEGI 7 rating symbol can be seen.

While Eclipse made no mention of the rating and was simply showing off the art inserts, Pokemon fans quickly picked up on it and began to kick off a wave of speculation.


Many fans claimed that the PEGI 7 rating could mean that the casino-like Veilstone Game Corner would be removed in the Nintendo Switch remakes.

“A PEGI 7 could potentially mean no Game Corner. Gens 1 and 2 had the Game Corner and the 3DS releases were rated PEGI 12,” one wrote.

Pokemon Diamond & Pearl rating

Others responded to the possibility of the feature being gone, hoping that it’s replaced with something.

“I hope that they try to make some replacement games like Voltorb Flip; I want to at least be able to go inside, hear the music, and do SOMETHING,” a commenter said.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Game Corner tweet

It should be pointed out that the PEGI 7 score is “provisional” and has actually been listed on the official eShop for quite a while now. Interestingly, online users are only now picking up on the rating and speculating as to what it could mean.

If nothing else, it’s just another example of how desperate players have become for any crumbs of information. With The Pokemon Company continuing to be silent, it has caused fans to go wild with theories and speculation as they wait for a Direct.