Pokemon Go player finds Squirtle in “Minecraft costume” in odd glitch

Jessica Filby
Pokemon Go Squirtle

Pokemon Go players have been left stunned after one user captures a hilarious Squirtle glitch, leaving the Pokemon in an odd “Minecraft costume.”

Despite being out for many years, Pokemon Go’s ever-evolving nature means there are bound to be a few bumps in the road. Some features roll out and cause major frustrations in the community, while other bugs appear that leave many laughing.

One such bug has left the community shocked but undeniably entertained after a user shared an image of their experience attempting to catch a rather questionable-looking Squirtle, blaming their college wifi for the unexpected error.

One Pokemon Go player discovers odd Squirtle glitch

Posting their experience onto Reddit, user Pabs1022r attached an image of their attempt to catch a Squirtle in Pokemon Go. However, in the image, Squirtle is all blocky, with it looking extremely distorted. Their Pokeball resembles that of a white and red stripy square rather than anything players would reasonably throw at a Pokemon.

Naturally, this silly bug was met with some clever responses. Plenty of players attempted to make sense of the glitch, joking that the player “found the Minecraft costume squirtle” instead of it being unintentional. Others had the same idea, asking the poster: “Are you sure this isn’t on Minecraft?”

However, others explored the addition of an age-old glitch seen in the likes of Pokemon Red and Blue. Back when the game first came out, thanks to a few glitches Pokemon players could encounter a questionable blocky mess of a Pokemon called missingno.

Many players called the Pokemon Go glitch a repeat of missingno, exclaiming: “Holy s**t they added missingno to Pokémon go” and “Wake up babe missingno costume Squirtle just dropped.”

It’s clear that not all bugs and glitches are bad in a game like Pokemon Go, especially when they’re as obscure and ridiculous as this one.