Pokemon Go player walks their feet off for insane 74 Shiny Larvitar haul

Laura Gray
Larvitar Community Day

A Pokemon Go player has made the most of the 2023 Larvitar Community Day, bringing home a pile of Shiny companions to trade, keep, or evolve. The sheer number shows an unusual amount of luck alongside dedication to gameplay.

Pokemon Go players look forward to Community Day for a number of reasons. These three-hour events are the perfect opportunity to get out in groups and explore urban areas, spin PokeStops, and track down Pokemon species. However, one of the primary reasons to get involved in Community Day gameplay is the increased chance for Shiny encounters.

While only the featured Community Day species will usually get a Shiny boost during a Community Day, many Pokemon Go players see the improved Shiny chances as the event’s highlight. Many spend the day trying to get as many as they can, counting them up and sharing them on social media once the event concludes.

However, one player caught more than just a handful during January 21, 2023, Larvitar Community Day, leaving fans in the comments absolutely amazed.

Pokemon Go player makes the most of Community Day

In a Twitter post by NC42885118, the dedicated Pokemon Go trainer shares several images of their storage boxes after the Community Day event. The post reads, “Community Day Results – 74, 1 100, 2 98IV. My feet are killing me!!”

While most consider a handful of Shiny catches an accomplishment, NC’s 74 Shiny Larvitar are beyond comprehension for most players. Fans in the comments are astounded, with one stating, “Howwwwwww?” and another adding “How you get so many shinies – I catch and saw 20”.

According to NC, their success was partially due to a “Lured dense area and a Gotcha+”. Pokemon Go equipment such as the Gotcha allows players to easily catch species as they walk, while being in the right location can be the difference between a successful or unpleasant time.

The amazing haul is truly an accomplishment – even if it came at the expense of the poor Pokemon Go player’s feet.