Pokemon Go players love Breaking Bad style Fashion Week Pokemon

Jessica Filby
Pokemon Go fashion Week Jesse and Walter Breaking Bad

Pokemon Go’s Fashion Week has gotten off to a great start, with many fans adoring two key Pokemon styles, thanks to their similarity to some rather famous TV characters.

With some clever designs for the game’s Pokemon, it’s clear many are huge fans of Pokemon Go’s Fashion Week. Sure, not all players adore the addition, with some slamming certain creations and styles.

However, whether it’s in praise or as a joke, tons of fans have likened two relatively harmless Pokemon to Jesse and Walter from Breaking Bad, and it’s hard to see them as anything else.

Pokemon Go fans can’t get over Breaking Bad style Pokemon

Whether it was intentional or not is yet to be discovered, but it’s hard to deny how close to Jesse this Wooper with a hat looks, or how similar Diglett looks to Walter White from Breaking Bad.

It’s clear hundreds of other players thought the same thing when diving into the new event. Multiple fans even took to Reddit to share the similarity and joke about how they “don’t feel safe with these guys spawning everywhere,” even using a bag of Rare candy in Jesse’s hand, to bring a little more PoGo to the reference.

Others also took to Reddit to joke about how they “Can’t unsee it” and that the resemblance of the extremely popular TV character is just “perfect,” if not slightly cursed.

Ultimately, it doesn’t really matter whether you’ve seen the show or not, these hats are so in tune with the characters, and for some reason, the Pokemon look pretty uncanny, even if they are unintentionally resembling human beings.

As previously mentioned, it’s likely this was not an intentional reference from Niantic, but the extremely familiar Pokemon Jesse and Walter are only one example of some hilarious Fashion Week designs in 2023s Pokemon Go.