Pokemon player completes card collection in honour of late father

Andres Velez
Pokemon players complete card collection in a binder

Not long after the death of their father, this Pokemon player completed a card collection they’d worked on alongside each other for decades.

The Pokemon community has responded to the death of a collectors father with sympathy and heartfelt support. The pair had been working on a collection together for many years. The descendent finally received the card they needed to complete it, on the day their father died.

The Pokemon card collection has now become a box of touching memories. They recall when their father would bring home backs when “he worked in NYC in the early 2000’s”.

The original poster said “He is at peace and peace will come for me in time. I’m thankful for my family and for this strong community of collectors that can appreciate this beautiful moment.”

Pokemon player completes card collection on the day of their father’s passing

The last card the collector received was ‘Super Energy Removal.’, rather inspiringly, the poster remarked of the timing of the card’s arrival that, “Life is incredibly interesting in its patterns and poetry. I’m thankful for all of it.

“25 years ago, my father and I started this collection. Unfortunately, he passed away this morning after a hell of a battle with cancer. The last card we needed arrived in the mail not long after he passed. It’s complete Dad, we did it.”.

The support and condolences shared are a credit to the kind and passionate Pokemon fanbase. One commenter said, “Sorry buddy. I lost my dad to cancer 5 years ago. If you need someone to talk to let me know.”. Jaedotuk said, “He’s gonna be so happy looking down and see you put in that last card.”