Love is Blind fans divided over Uche’s reaction to Aaliyah’s cheating confession

Simone Torn
Uche from Love is Blind

Love is Blind fans are split over Uche’s notable reaction to Aaliyah confessing her past infidelity in Season 5.

Things became heated in Season 5 of Love is Blind after Aaliyah confessed to Uche that she cheated on her former boyfriend. According to Aaliyah, it was a one-time incident that she doesn’t feel proud of.

Uche had a strong reaction to this news, which ended up leaving Aaliyah in tears.

While some fans believe Uche’s response was totally uncalled for and only served to berate Aaliyah, other fans thought he was justified in his reaction since he is looking for a life partner.

Love is Blind Uche and Aaliyah’s cheating conflict has divided fans

On Season 5 of Love is Blind, Aaliyah and Uche initially seemed like an ideal match. Both seemed to get along great, sharing a deep passion for poetry as well as guitar. They held similar values as well, and their chemistry was off the charts.

Just when fans thought Aaliyah and Uche were the perfect match, Aaliyah dropped the bombshell that she had cheated on her previous boyfriend two years ago.

“Oh, so you’re a recent cheater,” was Uche’s response. He continued to question her motives behind the cheating incident, which fans considered too harsh.

Yet other viewers took an opposite stance, saying his reaction to her past infidelity was perfectly understandable. One fan took to Reddit to analyze the situation.

“Okay. So hear me out,” the began. “A lot of people have been hating on Uche for his initial reaction to Aaliyah’s confession about her cheating. And I feel like it was a valid reaction. And it was just that, a reaction. Yes, he sounded judgy but after he processed the information he realized and valued her honesty then. Isn’t that human?”

They went on, later adding, “I feel like people are expecting the perfect response the first time, but we forget that we sometimes say things in a way that can be misunderstood when we’re in a zone.”

Yet another fan opposed the statement, claiming Uche’s response was “not okay.”

“No, he was pretty terrible,” they began. “Cheating is a huge deal breaker for me. If I found out that a potential partner had cheated in the past, it would be very hard to put that out of my mind and pursue a serious relationship. It’s okay to have dealbreakers, but the way Uche reacted was not okay.”

The fan went on, adding, “He intentionally said things to make her feel bad: ‘Don’t you feel guilty,’ while she’s crying, clearly feeling terrible. He didn’t have to see her face to hear her emotions. He wanted to put her down so he didn’t have to feel as guilty about lying about Lydia.”

 Stay tuned for more Love is Blind on Netflix to see if Uche and Aaliyah can sort out their issues.