Single’s Inferno Season 3 fans are once again angered by Min-ji’s helicopter actions

Gabriela Silva
Min-ji, Gwan-hee, and Hye-seon in Single's Inferno Season 3 helicopter.

Min-ji can’t seem to appease fans as her recent actions coming back from Paradise before the Single’s Inferno Season 3 finale left fans with a sour taste in their mouths.

Gwan-hee undoubtedly carried the third season as he had three possible suitors. But fans were hooked on the drama between Min-ji and Gwan-hee as he began to distance himself and cater more to Hye-seon. Min-ji has been adamant about getting his attention and has been open about her feelings for him.

By all accounts, Min-ji seems like the perfect fit. She’s more his type than the others and has done exactly what he’s wanted, which was to pursue him and validate her feelings for him. But Min-ji swayed both fans and Gwan-hee away from her due to her actions in the helicopter back from the last trip to Paradise.

Fans were floored by her actions in trying to get Gwan-hee’s attention with both Min-hyuk and Hye-seon present. Min-ji in Single’s Inferno Season 3 Episode 10 once again had fans in disbelief as she repeated the same actions. Warning: Spoilers ahead!

Min-ji tries to get Gwan-hee’s attention on Single’s Inferno Season 3

On the helicopter ride from Paradise, Min-ji once again tried to act cute and get close to Gwan-hee to garner his attention. But it led Gwan-hee to tell her she needed to focus on Min-kyu and not speak to him.

Fans will remember when Min-ji poked and pulled at Gwan-hee’s sleeve to get him to talk to her when venturing to Paradise. All the while their chosen dates, Min-kyu and Hye-seon were next to them. It led Gwan-hee to push her away and Min-ji to cry. Her actions were seen as disrespectful among fans and disregarding Hye-seon and Min-ji’s date.

No one would have ever expected Min-ji to not get the hint after one try. On their way back to Inferno, Min-ji did it again. While Gwan-hee avoided eye contact with her, she couldn’t keep her eyes off him. Gwan-hee leaned into her and told her, “Don’t talk to me.” It immediately affected Min-ji, but when telling her to lean on Min-kyu’s shoulder to get some sleep, she went back to her flirty ways. She giggled and pretended to lean on Gwan-hee’s shoulder. Much to his dismay. Her actions caught Ha-bin’s attention who couldn’t help but laugh.

Min-ji’s brazen demeanor has once again rubbed fans the wrong way.

“‘don’t talk to me’ ‘lean on his shoulder’ well gwanhee clearly asked minji to respect minkyu and hyeseon, but girlie.. what was that behavior. the pout?? i can’t understand if anyone would defend her ANYWAY HABIN,” said one fan on X/Twitter.

Another commneted, “minji, girl – atp you should really really need a lesson on how to have some self respect.this was not at all funny please.”

“Minji was really blatantly disrespecting everyone there even after Gwanhee outrightly rejecting her. Not even an ounce of respect for herself too,” said one fan.

Some fans agreed that Min-ji is not a “girl’s girl” after openly trying to take Gwan-hee’s attention away for the second time with Hye-seon present. At the start, fans tried to defend her as the newcomer, but her actions spoke volumes.

Read more Single’s Inferno Season 3 content below: