New Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 gameplay spotted in Across the Spider-Verse

Brianna Reeves

Apparently, those who’ve seen Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse in theaters have spotted gameplay from Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2.

An Across the Spider-Verse trailer from late 2022 featured a quick glimpse at a variant of Peter Parker dressed in the PlayStation version’s white spider – or “Advanced” – suit.

Of course, those itching to see the newly released animated film are curious as to how Insomniac’s Peter may factor into the big-screen experience.

Fortunately, the video game version of the beloved character gets an interesting cameo appearance, according to reports.

The following features minor spoilers for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

Spider-Man 2 gameplay appears in Across the Spider-Verse

As reported by, a brief look at gameplay for the upcoming Insomniac title appears in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.

The moment in question occurs fairly early in the film when Miles returns to his dorm room after an encounter with The Spot. Upon entering the room, Miles finds his friend Ganke playing a PS5 game, specifically Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

Apparently, the brief look at gameplay depicts Peter in his Advanced Suit battling enemies on a rooftop. The robotic arms that spring from his back in the sequel’s September 2021 reveal pop up as well, though there’s not much else to glean from the scene.

spider-man 2 spider-verse

This neat cameo is sure to make waves online as more people see Across the Spider-Verse in the days and weeks ahead. It’s a small touch, sure, but one that many will undoubtedly appreciate.

Insomniac Games and Sony have yet to share a firm release date for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, though it remains on track for a late 2023 launch on PlayStation 5.

At the very least, fans of the web-slinger can get a bit of a fix when checking out Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, which is playing in theaters now.