Spider-Man 2 player uncovers The Walking Dead & DC easter eggs

Eleni Thomas
Spider-Man 2 easter egg header

One eagle-eyed Spider-Man 2 player has found in-game easter eggs that pay homage to two very important characters from both The Walking Dead and the DC Universe.

Spider-Man 2 is already one of the biggest games of 2023. With new villains, updated combat, and more, fans of the web-slinger have been diving head-first into the game.

With a giant world to explore, developer Insomniac have dropped many little hints and easter eggs throughout. While some of these are nods to other Marvel characters, some are from completely different universes.

Reddit user u/KilluaXXZK discovered what appears to be on such in-game easter egg that pays homage to both The Walking Dead and the DC universe. The player noticed when looking through the cemetery that two graves had familiar names written on them.

The first being Lucille Smith, which fans of The Walking Dead will recognize as being the wife of the villainous Negan. While the surname may not be familiar, the name Lucille is a famous one in TWD, as it is also the name that Negan gives to his signature barbed wire baseball bat.

The second name, Katherine Webb, is a nod to the DC character Kate Kane. One who dons the Batwoman persona in order to win over Batman and faces off against well-known villains and characters such as Talia Al Ghul.

While these may be small easter eggs, they open the door for more names to be found in the graveyard as well as other similarly placed references throughout the game.

Given that the game has only been out for a few days, more easter eggs and little nods to other characters and worlds are likely to continue popping up in the future.

For all the latest Spider-Man 2 news and updates, be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage now.