New Starfield discovery from 600-hour playthrough has fans jealous

Ethan Dean
starfield discovery

A Starfield NPC that one player discovered after 600 hours of play has the whole community jealous.

Say what you will about Starfield, its sense of discovery is hard to beat. Bethesda’s massive galaxy and the staggering amount of random encounters mean new revelations are always just around the corner.

Reddit user u/DueRecording657 took over 600 hours to find the Wandering Trader NPC and their post has made this transient merchant the envy of Starfield players everywhere.

The Wandering Traders pet lizard… axolotl… thing has players wishing that they could have their own animal companion. Particularly in a galaxy devoid of dogs.

u/DueRecording657 bumped into the Wandering Trader at a “random structure” after 600 hours but that’s not what impressed players in the thread. “Makes me wish I could have a pet too,” one user replied.

Others echoed the sentiment including one player “almost shot the thing” before realising it was a pet. Luckily, one person in the conversation has a bit of a workaround to acquire this creature for your own.

Of course, it’s not the most honorable method but some things are worth sacrificing your roleplay. “If you sneak and steal her ship the pet should appear on the ship,” they explained.

Multiple players confirmed the strategy will allow you to cart the Wandering Merchant’s pet around the galaxy as your own. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have a robbery to commit.