Starfield players say companions are huge step down from Skyrim & Fallout 4

Brianna Reeves
starfield companions

Starfield players think the game’s companions can’t hold a candle to those in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4.

Fans of Bethesda Game Studios RPGs have their pick of beloved companions. Serana’s necromancy abilities, as well as Cicero’s archery and sneak proficiencies, secured their spots on the list of favorite Skyrim followers. Meanwhile, a synthetic detective and friendly dog remain the go-to partners for many a Fallout 4 player.

With Starfield finally in the hands of millions, some can’t help but wonder if its companions will similarly be remembered fondly.

The Adoring Fan seems to be gaining popularity already; Vasco the robot is getting plenty of love, too. But talk in a recent Reddit thread indicates not everyone is happy with Bethesda’s new batch of AI allies.

Starfield players “can’t stand” some of the game’s companions

Reddit user DomGriff started a thread all about the in-game partners that grind their gears. The player says they’re particularly bothered by the “constant nagging and finger-wagging.”

“I don’t get how we didn’t get any companions written comparable to the Vampire chick from Skyrim, or Curie, Cait, Dogmeat, Ada, or Nick from FO4,” the Redditor continued.

The main issue revolves around the belief that too many of the followers in Starfield don’t approve of unprincipled behavior. Stealing may result in the likes of Sarah Morgan giving the player a talking-to, for instance.

DomGriff finished, “So I guess it’s just me and Vasco until the inevitable Expansion DLC adds more character archetypes. Hopefully one that’s down for anything like Cait.”

starfield companions
Starfield has an Adoring Fan companion.

While many in the thread seem to agree with the original poster’s complaints, they were also quick to point out that the Adoring Fan doesn’t judge. “Adoring fan thinks everything you do is great,” one user reminded.

Another person sang the character’s praises, saying “I thought the Adoring Fan would bug the sh** out of me, but he’s actually insanely (literally and metaphorically) endearing.”

Adoring Fan and Vasco the robot aside, Starfield players agree that the new AI partners aren’t Bethesda’s best. Speaking about Sarah specifically, one Redditor pointed out that “the game is sometimes very preachy.”

“These companions and their moral compass have no place in my raiding party but their crew stats get them a pass on my ship,” said a different Redditor.

Maybe the community’s tune will change in time, but, for now, it appears Skyrim and Fallout 4 have a leg up on Starfield.