Starfield player beats game using obscure skill that most players missed

Jake Nichols
Starfield combat gameplay

One Starfield fan has beaten the game with weapon restrictions, limiting themselves to just one combat technique that most players overlooked.

In Bethesda’s Starfield, players find themselves exploring over a thousand planets, whether as part of the game’s storyline, battling foes, or simply taking in many of the fascinating locations.

Starfield presents players with tons of gameplay options, as they can partake in shipbuilding, build outposts, and undertake quests.

Yet, out of all the possibilities in Starfield, one keen player known on YouTube as ‘Casual Loop’ has taken a unique path, opting to complete the game using a skill often overlooked by many: gun bashing.

The challenge, titled “Can You Beat Starfield with Only Gun Bashing?” saw the player adopting the persona of “Goshua Jam,” a character crafted with a specific set of rules to elevate the challenge: solely using gun bashing for combat, avoiding companions unless essential to the storyline, and playing on normal difficulty.

Goshua’s journey began in the mining job on Vecta, where he quickly adapted to using the cutter for gun bashing. The player noted the effectiveness of this strategy, stating, “Gun bashing doesn’t use O2… it can also be spammed over and over relatively quickly and can stagger enemies pretty consistently.”

This approach proved to be a game-changer, allowing Goshua to navigate combat scenarios with a distinct advantage.

Starfield combat gameplay
The gun-bashing strategy is made even easier by the fact NPCs are mostly unaware of your existence

Making use of a pistol that doubled gun bash damage and securing one of the game’s best armor sets very early in the playthrough made Goshua a formidable opponent, even with the limited combat technique.

The challenge culminated in a tense battle with the final boss, the Hunter. The player recounted the difficulty of this encounter, “The final boss definitely gave me the most trouble, and I almost ran out of meds fighting him.”

But even with the limitations of gun bashing, including the poor range and damage, Goshua triumphed on the gun-bashing-only challenge, showcasing the viability of this overlooked skill.