Starfield player left stranded on planet with only unsuited companion for company

Jake Nichols
An outpost in Starfield

One Starfield player’s journey took a unique twist as they were left stranded on a barren planet with only Andreja for company.

Starfield allows players to immerse themselves in its vast universe. However, as with any Bethesda title, the game is not without its quirks and bugs.

Some bugs have been amusing, like ships taking off without their pilots or players being launched into space with just the cockpit of their ship. Others have been downright bizarre, like an entire city being dragged into space.

But for one player, a routine journey took an unexpected turn.

In a Reddit post, a player shared their predicament of being stranded on a barren, snow-covered planet.

Their ship had mysteriously despawned, leaving them with no means of escape. The only signs of life were the player’s character and their companion, Andreja, who was interestingly roaming around without a protective suit, defying the game’s usual requirements for such hostile environments.

Copper and water were the only two resources available on the planet, leaving the player without a lot of options for what to do next.

The Starfield community quickly jumped in with a mix of humor and advice. One user referenced the movie “The Martian,” jokingly suggesting the player farm potatoes to survive.

byu/Vibekingr from discussion

Another advised setting up an outpost and building a landing pad, while others recommended wandering around in hopes of a ship landing nearby. The player’s response? “I think that’s my best option.”

While some bugs in Starfield have been hilarious, like asteroids becoming pets or players being launched into space without their ships, others have been more problematic.

For now, our stranded player might have to rely on older save files or hope for a passing ship. But as one user pointed out, where’s the fun in taking the easy way out?