Starfield: What choice should you make about Vae Victis?

Tyler Constable
An image of Vae Victis in Starfield

During your Starfield adventure, the Vae Victis mission in the United Colonies storyline presents a crucial decision point. Should you lie or tell the truth? This decision can shape your journey, and here’s what you need to know to make the best choice.

Decision-making is central to the Starfield experience, a hallmark of Bethesda’s RPGs, and the dilemma of honesty or deceit regarding Vae Victis is one of the game’s crucial choices.

Players will meet Admiral Vae Victis if they take on the United Colonies faction questline in the game, and while he may seem noble at first, it’s soon revealed during the ‘A Legacy Forged’ quest that he instigated the Terramorph attack on New Atlantis.

Following this revelation, you can either tell the United Colonies the truth about Vae Victis or you can lie, so here’s the choice you should make.

An image from Starfield featuring the player's options about Vae Victis.
You can either lie or tell the truth about Vae Victis in Starfield.

What choice should you make about Vae Victis in Starfield?

We’d recommend lying to the UC cabinet and siding with Vae Victis.

This option will unlock a new quest entitled ‘Prevention Action’, Victis will enlist you as his personal hitman, and you’ll receive a reward of 100,00 credits, elevated status in the UC faction, and your citizenship in New Atlantis.

If you’d rather do the right thing and tell the truth, however, you’ll still be rewarded with the credits and official citizenship. Victis will be sent to prison, and it’s heavily implied that he’ll be excuated later on. The only downside to this option is you won’t get access to the aforementioned ‘Prevention Action’ quest given by Victis.

It’s important to note that your choice here won’t ultimately impact the game’s main story, so you don’t have to worry about missing out on any essential campaign content based on your decision.

That’s everything you need to know about the Vae Victis choice in Starfield. For more content on the game, check out our guides below:

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