Gesture-controlled wireless TVs are coming but you’ll have to wait to buy one

Jitendra Soni
Displace TV

Displace is planning to introduce two gesture-controlled wireless TVs, the Displace Flex and Displace Mini, but you might have to wait until after CES to buy one.

Displace, a young startup, was recently in the news for all the right reasons when it unveiled the world’s first wireless 4K TV. Now, the company has announced plans to introduce two smaller models, Displace Flex and Displace Mini, which are 27-inch and 55-inch models, respectively.

Unlike most “conventional” TVs, the Displace TVs are known to be cordless and extremely lightweight, making them highly portable. Hand gestures and computer vision can control the TV to track users throughout a space.

Displace TV Battery

What makes these TVs stand out is that they come with a built-in battery that can offer up to a month of battery life. This means you can watch your favorite movies on this TV without worrying about a power source.

That is not all. This TV can do much more than just let you stream content. It has a built-in NFC reader, allowing you to pause the content and choose and buy relevant items, like clothes, shoes, and more. Once done, you can tap your phone on the TV to pay using the Displace app.

Additionally, thermal cameras on the TV can be used for various applications like telehealth and others. According to Balaji Krishnan, the founder & CEO of Displace TV, these extremely smart TVs are interactive screens that “won’t just play movies and TV shows, but will react to users and their surroundings, creating a smart contextual experience that understands an individual’s needs and delivers significant value.” After all, who is using TVs to just watch movies in 2023?

But they’re pricey & unavailable right now

Since portability is the key mantra of these TVs, the 55-inch Displace Flex can be easily placed in rooms where you can’t install a regular TV. Its stand has a wireless charger that can keep the display charged whenever required.

The Displace Flex is priced at $5599, while the 27-inch Displace Mini, which can be stuck to refrigerators or your kitchen’s countertops, is priced at $2499.

These TVs can be pre-ordered starting January 9 on Displace’s website; however, don’t expect them to ship before the end of 2024.