Nvidia RTX 40-Super pricing leaks & it’s good news for gamers

Rebecca Hills-Duty
rtx 4080 super mock up

Leaker Moore’s Law is Dead is back with another Nvidia leak, this time regarding the pricing strategy of the 40-Super series of graphics cards and it’s great news for gamers.

There have already been several leaks regarding the refresh of Nvidia’s 40-series of graphics cards. The 40-Super series has not yet been officially announced, but YouTuber and industry analyst Moore’s Law is Dead has acquired insider information on what prices we can expect if and when Nvidia finally launches the 40 Super series.

According to Moore’s Law is Dead’s sources, the first batch of Nvidia GeForce RTX 40-Super cards have already been shipped to ‘identified press and influencers’, suggesting pictures of these cards should begin to appear soon.

Secondly, Moore’s Law is Dead spoke to his sources in the industry. The most notable is someone who allegedly works at Nvidia, who said that the MSRP is currently planned at $999 for the RTX 4080 Super, the RTX 4070 Ti Super will be $799 and the RTX 4070 Super will be $599. The standard version of the RTX 4070 will not be replaced in the product line-up and will get a new MSRP of $549. The standard versions of the RTX 4070 Ti and RTX 4080 will be discontinued and are not expected to have sufficient stock to require a price cut.

Nvidia’s aggressive price strategy

This is in line with the aggressive price strategy teased back in November 2023. This information appears to be further confirmed by another source, a distributor who says that currently the RTX 4070 Super is set at $599, the RTX 4070 Ti Super is $799, and the RTX 4080 Super will be priced at either $999 or $1199.

To add more evidence, someone who works for an AIB (Add-in Board partner) was also consulted, who said that the 4070 Ti Super will be $799, the RTX 4070 Super will be the same price as the current standard RTX 4070, the RTX 4070 will receive a price cut, which is in line with other information.

Moore’s Law is Dead did some ‘back of an envelope’ math to show that the RTX 4080 Super has the lowest increase in terms of pure specs, but the highest in terms of value, if Nvidia keeps up with the aggressive pricing strategy suggested by these leaks. The RTX 4070 Ti Super will have a 22% increase in both performance and value, while the RTX 4070 Super will see a 13% increase in performance and value. Remember these are rough calculations based on leaked information, so are not yet confirmed.

Moore's Law is Dead value math

With regards to how AMD is expected to respond, Moore’s Law is Dead said that figures show the AMD 7800 and 7900 series of GPUs is selling very well, not just over Christmas, but generally across the year. Moore’s Law is Dead is therefore of the opinion that Nvidia is reacting to AMD, with the 40-Super series and its suggested pricing are attempts to better compete with AMD. That said, AMD will need to respond eventually, perhaps with a price cut on the 7800 XT, a strategy they have adopted before.

Remember since this is all leaked information, we’ve just got to sit tight for Nvidia to announce all of this officially. So, take these leaks with a pinch of salt.