I’ve spent 200 hours using this premium controller & it’s finally got a discount

Sayem Ahmed
Victrix Pro FS design

I’ve used the Victrix Pro FS for over 200 hours and it’s inarguably the most premium arcade stick money can buy. But, thanks to Amazon, it’s finally received a discount.

If you’re into fighting games like Tekken 8 or Street Fighter 6, sometimes you’ll want a feel a hankering for a controller that feels a bit more arcade-accurate than playing on a standard-issue pad. Luckily, there’s a market for these arcade sticks, with several manufacturers like Hori, Qanba, and more offering their takes on the tried and true arcade stick form factor.

I reviewed the Victrix Pro FS way back in 2022, and for a very long time, it was my main arcade stick controller running up to the launch of Street Fighter 6. It’s absolutely brilliant, featuring metal construction, as well as arcade-quality Sanwa sticks and buttons. There’s only one problem: It costs almost $400 at MSRP. But, Amazon has finally discounted this behemoth by $50, which could tip the scale if you’re looking for an “endgame” arcade stick, it doesn’t get much better than this.

Brilliantly designed

Victrix Pro FS Innards

The Victrix Pro FS is astonishingly well-designed, you get full PS5 and PC compatibility, ensuring that you can use it on the most modern consoles. Secondly, the design also sports handles on each side, meaning that if you’re lugging it around to your locals, or at a tournament, you can easily pick it up. The same cannot be said of even larger arcade sticks, which sometimes don’t have this functionality built-in.

The design also sports a handy cable wrap, with additional detachable USB-C cable so you don’t have any cable failures like you might do using something like the Qanba Obsidian 2.

There’s also a leverless version on sale, so if you’re an all-button convert and don’t need a lever on your controller, then that’s also been discounted too. While the Razer Kitsune and Snackbox Micro focus on portability above all else, the Victrix Pro FS-12 is the exact opposite, with a huge chassis that feels hefty and high quality.

Lastly, Should any of your buttons need to be replaced, all you need to do is pop the latch over on the back for quick maintenance that comes pre-cable-managed for you.

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