Black Mirror S6: Mazey Day explained

Kayla Harrington
A still from Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 4, Mazey Day

Here’s a full breakdown of what happens in Black Mirror Season 6 Episode 4, ‘Mazey Day’, including an explanation of that unexpected twist.

Black Mirror has finally returned to our Netflix screens of a long four year hiatus that they took as the world got a little too real.

The new episodes are a masterclass in subverting expectations as each chapter takes fans on a wild ride that they can never predict the end of.

The fourth episode of Season 6 follows a young starlet running from a traumatic event and a member of the paparazzi chasing her down for the perfect candid shot. But, how far would one go to get the ultimate pictures? We’ll explain, but first: major spoiler warning for ‘Mazey Day’!

Black Mirror Season 6: What happens in Mazey Day?

‘Mazey Day’ begins with Bo, a young paparazzo who is staking out a seedy motel trying to get dirt on a celebrity. She takes pictures of a male TV star leaving a room with a young man and, while the star confronts her and offers to pay for the pictures, Bo sells the images to her editor.

Later, Bo learns that the star took his own life as the images ran and exposed his affair to the world along with his longtime girlfriend. Bo is visibly disturbed by her role in the events, but her friend and fellow paparazzo Hector tells her that its not her fault.

Bo then joins Hector and other members of the paparazzi outside a nightclub where they photograph another Hollywood starlet who apparently had a sex taped leaked. As a male paparazzo antagonizes the young woman, she pushes him and he threatens to sue her. Disgusted with what transpired, Bo ends up leaving.

Meanwhile, in the Czech Republic, actress Mazey Day is on set shooting a fantasy film. While rehearing lines for an upcoming scene, Mazey eats a magic mushroom provided by her assistant through a set member. Mazey, realizing she is out of cigarettes, gets behind the wheel of her chair while high and ends up hitting someone. Panicked, high, and scared, Mazey looks back at the body in the road and leaves the person behind.

A close up of Mazey Day in Black Mirror

Getting back to Bo, she seems to have given up the paparazzi life and is now working at a coffee shop when Hector approaches her to ask for her help tracking down Mazey. It seems like no one had seen Mazey for some time as she stopped showing up to set, started day drinking, and was showing signs of erratic behavior.

After a bit of sleuthing, Bo figures out that Mazey is staying at the house of a Hollywood producer and follows her there. Mazey is indeed inside the house having nightmares about the hit and run as she drinks heavily. The morning after Bo finds her location, a maid enters the home to find Mazey drinking and the living room toward to shreds.

Mazey speaks with a holistic doctor at the house who promises to “make her better” by sending her to a rehab facility. Bo, still hot on Mazey’s trail, follows her security detail to a diner parking lot where Mazey’s security guard slashes her tires to deter her from following them.

Inside the diner, Bo speaks to a waiter who explains that someone had rented out the local rehab facility for someone incredibly famous. Bo calls Hector and the two of them head to the rehab where they discover they were tracked there by two other paparazzos.

The group of four worm their way into the facility under the fence and takes pictures of Mazey’s doctor coming in and out of her room. Climbing up the stairs to the cabin, Bo peers into the window and realizes that Mazey has a chain around her neck that bolted to the floor.

Feeling bad for the situation Mazey is in, Bo breaks into the cabin as the other three men start taking pictures of Mazey chained to the bed. Bo takes the chains off while Mazey begs her not to and tells them that they have to leave, but the men won’t stop taking her picture.

Once Mazey is freed, things take a turn as the actress begins to transform into a rabid werewolf. Bo, Hector, and one of the paparazzos flee while the last member of the group gets closer to Mazey to “get the perfect shot.” She then eats him.

A werewolf looks into a camera in Black Mirror

The three try to escape the facility, but the male paparazzo gets caught by Mazey and Hector steals his camera as the pictures he took are “worth millions.” Bo and Hector then run to the diner Bo got the information from and try to convince the local sheriff that Mazey, as a werewolf, is stalking them.

The sheriff obviously doesn’t believe them and goes to arrest Bo after she reaches for his gun, but its too late — Mazey enters the diner and slaughters everyone including the waiter, sheriff, and Hector. Bo manages to get the sheriff’s gun and fatally shoots Mazey, which reverts her to her human form.

As Mazey bleeds out on the floor, she begs Bo to kill her, but Bo doesn’t want to be someone who makes the choice for Mazey so she slides the gun to her. Mazey puts the gun to her temple and, before she pulls the trigger, she nods at Bo who takes her pictures one last time as a gun shot is seen through the diner window.

‘Mazey Day’ is an extreme take on the paparazzi, but it’s not an untrue. From cases like Britney Spears, we’ve seen how damaging the paparazzi can be and how far they’ll go to get the perfect picture. They don’t see their subjects as people and that can lead to very, very dire consequences.

Black Mirror Season 6 is now available to view in full on Netflix. Check out our other coverage below: