Daredevil makes surprise cameo in first Echo trailer

Leon Miller
Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/Daredevil

Charlie Cox’s Daredevil trades blows with Maya Lopez/Echo (Alaqua Cox) in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shot included in the new trailer for Marvel Studios’ Echo.

While Echo and the Man Without Fear have crossed paths many times in the Marvel comics, until now they haven’t encountered each other in live-action. That said, the 2021 Hawkeye miniseries previously established that (like her comic book counterpart), the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Echo was raised by Daredevil’s arch-nemesis, Vincent Fisk/The Kingpin (Vincent D’Onofrio).

The relationship between Echo and Kingpin ultimately soured in Hawkeye’s final episode, after Echo learned that Fisk was responsible for her father’s death. The last time we saw the pair together, Echo was holding Kingpin at gunpoint, but while we heard her pull the trigger at the end of this scene, we didn’t actually see the crime boss die.

And that’s because he didn’t. As the Echo trailer makes abundantly clear, Fisk is still a very real threat in the MCU, albeit sporting an eyepatch courtesy of his showdown with Lopez. The trailer also sets up the new dynamic between Echo and Kingpin post-Hawkeye, with the conflict between them apparently the driving force of Echo’s narrative.

Daredevil makes surprise cameo in first Echo trailer

This won’t come as much of a shock to fans, given D’Onofrio was confirmed to reprise the Kingpin role in Echo as early as July 2022. Reports at the time claimed that Cox was also on board to suit up as Daredevil again, and thanks to Echo’s trailer, we now know for certain that the English actor will indeed portray Matt Murdock’s crime-fighting alter-ego in the Disney+ series.

Daredevil’s fleeting appearance in the Echo trailer comes around the 1:27-minute mark. Here, the superhero can be seen vaulting across some containers in a warehouse, clad in what appears to be a red Daredevil outfit (not the yellow-and-gold costume Murdock rocked in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law). It’s difficult to tell who the blind vigilante is fighting due to the lighting of the scene, however, based on their silhouette, his opponent appears to be none-other-than Echo herself.

That’s all we see of Daredevil in the Echo trailer, and there’s no further indication of how big a part he’ll play in Echo’s overarching narrative. Similarly, neither Marvel Studios nor Cox has publically commented on the number of episodes the star will appear in when the show premieres on Disney+ and Hulu on January 10.

Daredevil: Born Again’s development hell

Regardless of how prominently Daredevil features in Echo, most MCU fans will no doubt welcome the opportunity to see Cox portray the horn-headed hero again – especially given the production dramas surrounding his own series. Marvel Studios announced in October 2022 that production on Daredevil: Born Again was starting over with new writers and directors, further delaying its release.

Daredevil: Born Again has since found a new showrunner, Dario Scardapane, who previously served as one of the producers on Netflix’s Punisher series. Marvel Studios also hired two additional directors, Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, whom the production company is clearly hoping will get the show’s development back on track.

For all the latest Echo content, be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.