Doctor Who fans investigate mystery “workshop” set photo

Leon Miller
An image of David Tennant as the fourteenth Doctor as featured in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials.

A new image Doctor Who set image has the sci-fi series’ fans convinced that a popular rumor about the upcoming 60th anniversary specials is true.

The three Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials are titled “The Star Beast,” “Wild Blue Yonder,” and “The Giggle,” and are slated to air in late November and early December. Plot details for the trio of specials remain largely under wraps, although the franchise’s former leading man David Tennant is confirmed to return as the Doctor’s latest incarnation, joined by one of his previous co-stars, Catherine Tate.

Other story specifics already confirmed include the identity of guest star Neil Patrick Harris’ villainous character, who has been officially named as the Toymaker. A classic Doctor Who antagonist originally portrayed by the late Michael Gough, the Toymaker features prominently in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials’ trailers, which emphasize the baddie’s theatrical sensibilities.

The Toymaker looms equally large in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials’ latest poster, which also features Yasmin Finney’s Rose Noble. As her last name suggests, Rose is the daughter of Tate’s Donna Noble. Little else is known about Rose at this stage, although the fact she shares her first name with the Doctor Who revival’s original companion, Rose Tyler, has sparked speculation that the pair are somehow connected.

Doctor Who fans investigate mystery “workshop” set photo

Puzzling out the riddle of the two Roses has temporarily taken a backseat, however, thanks to a new Doctor Who 60th anniversary set photo shared via the franchise’s official X account. The never-before-seen image shows what appears to be a workshop from the early 20th Century, and several fans are already convinced they know who it belongs to.

As several Doctor Who devotees have correctly pointed out in the comments, one of the gadgets visible in the workshop is an exact match for the early TV built by Scottish inventor John Logie Baird. This seems to suggest that Baird will appear in at least one of the 60th anniversary specials – something several fans had already predicted based on earlier hints dropped by Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies.

This would mark the second occasion that Baird showed up in a Doctor Who adventure. He previously played a major role in Volume 2 of the audio anthology series The Churchill Years, released in 2018. That said, it’s worth noting that the BBC is yet to officially confirm that Baird will indeed appear in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials, so rumors to that effect should still be taken with a grain of salt for now.

Disney leaks Doctor Who Holiday Special title and release date

Something that fans can take as gospel is the recently leaked title of the Doctor Who Holiday Special, which is set to air after the 60th anniversary celebrations wrap up. The leak comes via Doctor Who’s international distributor, Disney+, who confirmed on X that the franchise’s next festive-themed special is called “The Church on Ruby Road.”

The Disney+ post spoiled the Doctor Who Holiday Special’s release date, too. According to the streaming platform, the bumper-sized episode will debut on December 25, bucking the recent trend of Doctor Who’s annual specials arriving on January 1 instead of Christmas Day.

For all the latest Doctor Who content, be sure to check out Dexerto’s full coverage here.