Here’s how to watch the first 5 minutes of Secret Invasion

Lucy-Jo Finnighan
Nick Fury in Secret Invasion

Marvel’s Secret Invasion has leaked its first clip on a secret website, but here’s how you can find and watch it.

Marvel‘s upcoming show, Secret Invasion, has been killing it with the promo. From cryptic posters to Twitter campaigns, the “Trust No One” ethos of the new series is shining through every new trailer and hint.

The series, which will be coming to Disney+, follows this plot: “Nick Fury and Talos try to stop the Skrulls who have infiltrated the highest spheres of the Marvel Universe.” This is following the first appearance of the Skrulls in Captain Marvel, who weren’t quite as they appeared.

Now, a new clip and trailer has been released online by Disney, but you have to work a little to watch it. Here’s how you can access it.

How to watch the new trailer and clip for Secret Invasion

In order to watch the new Secret Invasion clip, you must go to a specific website and fill in a password that was released by the show’s Twitter page.

Things all started when the Secret Invasion Twitter account began sharing cryptic clues for a new website, clues which disappeared after 5 minutes.

By the end of all this, a password had been revealed: RSD3PX5N7S

You must then head to the website The Invasion Has Begun. If you go to said website, it will look like an old computer database, something you’d see in a hacker movie. You will be given the chance to put in the password – if you enter the code listed above, the clip, along with a trailer, will play out.

The majority of the preview is an extended clip from the first episode of the series. It follows Agent Ross (played by Martin Freeman) as he meets up with another agent in Moscow. The two discuss a series of terrorist attacks that have been taking place, and while we won’t spoil any more of it in this article, you can find out more about the clip here.

This interactive form of marketing is no doubt drumming up interest in the show, so hopefully Secret Invasions’ episodes will be just as exciting. To get another taste, check out the official trailer below:

Secret Invasion will premiere on Disney+ on June 21, 2023. For more information on Secret Invasion, we have a full guide here.