Iman Vellani addresses X-Men future after The Marvels

Kayla Harrington
Iman Vellani as Ms. Marvel

Iman Vellani, one of the stars of The Marvels, recently discussed the film’s post-credits scene and its impact going forward.

The Marvels may have had a tough time keeping up with its peers when it comes to box office earnings, but it still received many positives reviews and a great Rotten Tomatoes score.

Following the MCU‘s latest team, the movie follows Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau, and Ms. Marvel as they work to untangle their powers and stop a world-ending threat.

One of the stars of the film, Iman Vellani, recently discussed the film’s universe shifting post-credits scene and how it will impact the universe going forward.

Vellani think its “cool” to have so many mutants in the MCU

The actress sat down with The Hollywood Reporter to discuss her role in The Marvels and how the post-credits scene was incorporated without her knowledge.

The post-credits scene of The Marvels sees Rambeau transported to another universe where she’s greeted by her mother, Maria, now the X-Men character Binary, and Dr. Hank McCoy/Beast played by Kelsey Grammer who reprised his role from 20th Century Studios’ X-Men films.

When discussing the scene, Vellani revealed that she had no idea Grammer was in it as it was shot during principal photography and she assumed the scene was going to something else entirely.

“I literally jumped and had a heart attack on my bed when I watched it for the first time,” Vellani said, “I literally texted every single person we worked with, and I was like, ‘How could you keep this from me?’ But at least I got to experience it as a fan, which was so cool. I’m just so excited to see what they do with that in the future.”

Vellani went on to explain her thoughts of Marvel adding a X-men specific post-credits scene in The Marvels stating, “I think they’re connecting a lot of things. They’re sprinkling in the mutants here and there.”

“We saw [Charles Xavier] in Multiverse of Madness. So I honestly am not privy to what they’re doing with the X-Men and how they’re going to incorporate them, but it is extremely cool and a really big flex to have one in our own movie. Well, two, if you count me.”

Vellani’s character Kamala Khan was revealed to be a mutant at the end of Ms. Marvel Season 1, which made her the MCU’s first mutant ever.

It’s not surprising to see these X-Men cameos sprinkled throughout the MCU films as Disney acquired 20th Century Fox, the former home of the X-Men, for $71.3 billion in 2019.

Since then, Marvel Studios has been gearing up to add the X-Men to especially because some of the already established MCU film characters do have ties to the team in the comic books like Wanda Maximoff being Magneto’s daughter, so it seems like this is the beginning of the MCU’s relationship with the X-Men.

For more on The Marvels, head here, or click on the below articles: