Invincible fans realize another hero is immortal

Cameron Frew
The Immortal and Amanda aka Monster Girl in Invincible

The Immortal may not be the only superhero in Invincible who can’t die — according to fans, another Guardian of the Globe may be ‘cursed’ with the same power.

As Invincible’s first-ever episode brutally illustrated, the Guardians aren’t invulnerable to death — Omni-Man killed all of them, including the Immortal… but he came back, thanks to the Mauler twins.

On the show’s subreddit, u/After_Horse5874 pointed out that another character may be capable of living forever: Monster Girl, aka Amanda. Her abilities are simple: she can transform into a large, hulk-like monster whenever she wants, but it causes her to age in reverse, meaning she gets younger every time she uses her powers.

So, let’s say she aged back to five years old and made the decision to not transform into Monster Girl for another 25 years — could she repeat this ad infinitum, thereby living forever?

“Technically her power makes her younger every time she transforms, so if she doesn’t die to some op character couldn’t she just live to old age use her powers and reverse her aging and do this cycle over and over again until the end of time?” the Redditor asked.

“If used strategically, her powers could make her immortal. She has heightened strength and abilities in her monster form, but she’s still capable of being wounded and killed, and is presumably no more powerful or resistant to damage than an average human while in her human form,” one user replied.

“Her powers could make her immortal. She has heightened strength and abilities in her monster form, but she’s still capable of being wounded and killed and is presumably no more powerful or resistant to damage than an average human while in her human form,” another wrote, echoing several people’s point that immortality doesn’t equal invincibility.

“Not by the definition of the word immortal,” another argued, explaining: “She is, however, effectively ageless if she uses her powers efficiently. She still ages, can decay, and can be killed. I don’t know if her reverse aging would also reverse the growth of cancer cells or the degradation of the brain. It’s up in the air.”

“There’s a couple ways I’ve seen her powers interpreted, and I don’t think there’s any canon confirmation of which is true, but it’s been a while since I read the comic and my memory is shit. Either she ages normally, then her powers de-age her; she doesn’t age at all except backwards when using her powers; or she ages backwards all the time and using her powers accelerates it,” a fourth also wrote.

The same subreddit also raised another question: could Donald lift Mjölnir?

Invincible Season 2 Episodes 1-7 are streaming now. Find out more about the Invincible voice cast and soundtrack, and check out our recaps below:

Episode 1 recap | Episode 2 recap | Episode 3 recap | Episode 4 recap | Episode 5 recap | Episode 6 recap | Episode 7 recap