Jeremy Renner is making music about his snowplow accident

Chris Tilly

Following a tumultuous year in which Jeremy Renner had a serious snowplow accident in January, then spent the next few months recovering, the actor is ending 2023 on a positive note, announcing new music based on his journey.

On January 1, 2023, a mechanical issue with a snowplow meant it was heading directly for Jeremy Renner’s nephew, with the emergency break not working.

The MCU star attempted to divert the vehicle, but ended up underneath it, where he was crushed. And Renner’s injuries were severe.

The actor posted on Instagram that he had broken more than 30 bones, and his road to recovery has been long and slow. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel, with Renner announcing forthcoming music about his experience.

Jeremy Renner is making music about his snowplow accident

Jeremy Renner announced the new music via a post on Instagram, in which he wrote: “A collection of music we wrote about different milestones in my journey of recovery since Jan 1st this year. ‘Love and Titanium’ has been painful, deeply healing, and ultimately cathartic for me to create. I hope I get the courage to share with you all.”

The message is written next to an image that repeats the title, underneath the word “Soon.”

“Love and Titanium” is a reference to something Renner said when he was interviewed by Diane Sawyer in March, during which the star stated: “I’ve lost a lot of flesh and bone in this experience, but I’ve been refueled and refilled with love and titanium.”

Renner’s music career

While best-known for acting work in the likes of The Hurt Locker, Wind River, The Bourne Legacy, and as Hawkeye in the Marvel movies – as well as the character’s spinoff TV show – Jeremy Renner is also a musician.

A singer and songwriter, Renner can play the guitar, drums, and keyboard, and contributed songs to the soundtracks of North Country, Love Comes to the Executioner, and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

The star released his first EP – The Medicine – in March 2020. As the same time, he wrote on Instagram: “I’ve always found music to be one of the few things that unite people in a pure way. Common ground can be hard to find in today’s world, but music has remained a constant for me. To feel deeply, to dance fervently, and live together is more present now than ever.”

‘Love and Titanium’ doesn’t yet have a release date, but we’ll update this article when it does. While for more TV and Movies coverage, head here.