Jodie Foster explains why True Detective role spoke to her 30 years after last horror appearance

Kayla Harrington
Jodie Foster investigating a case in True Detective Season 4.

Jodie Foster has reflected on why she decided to take on her leading True Detective role despite not being in the horror genre for 30 years.

True Detective has taken the world by storm as it’s become one of the most compelling crime anthology series on TV.

Over the last three seasons, the show has highlighted some of the darkest sides of human nature as the show led audiences on the hunt for serial killers and secret criminals alike.

And now the fourth season of the show is underway starring megastar Jodie Foster and now the actress has revealed why she signed up for this role even though she hasn’t been attached to a major horror brand for decades.

Foster explains why she said yes to True Detective role

While chatting with CBR, Foster explained why she didn’t hesitate to say yes to her new True Detective role stating, “The second they said True Detective, I was reading within minutes. I couldn’t not choose it — it was just too good.”

“I loved the original True Detective and was a big fan. I feel so honored to be a part of this project and to be in one of the anthologies. That first season meant so much to me — I’d seen it a couple of times.”

Foster continued, “The script just gripped me, and I saw such resonance and so many things that I wanted to talk about — grief and how the dead walk among us. And then I met Issa — that did it pretty much — that meeting with Issa. I knew that I wanted to serve her vision and to help her get there. I would do anything for her. I think we just had that immediate connection.” 

Foster is best known for her role as Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs, one of the most critically acclaimed horror movies of all time.

Starring Foster as an FBI agent, she has to face off against Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), a highly intelligent ex-psychiatrist turned cannibalistic serial killer.

The role won both Hopkins and Foster individual Oscars as the Academy rewarded them for their terrifying performances.

So, it’s not surprising that Foster would want to step back into the world of horror after it helped flourish her career and True Detective seems like the best place to explore her immense talent.