Taylor Swift nearly starred in a Twilight movie

Lucy-Jo Finnighan
Taylor Swfit, Bella and Edward

Taylor Swift is one of the biggest celebrities in the world – but star power was her undoing when it came to starring in a Twilight movie.

Like many, Taylor Swift was a massive Twilight fan back in 2009. The series had been conquering the world after premiering in 2008, and the sequel film, New Moon, was set to be a massive release.

However, Taylor Swift loved the films so much that she was determined to star in the film, and considering her celebrity power, one would expect her to get that wish.

However, as the director of the film has revealed, he actually turned her down.

Taylor Swift was too famous for Twilight: New Moon

Chris Weitz, the director of New Moon, recalled during an appearance on the podcast The Twilight Effect – which also features Ashley Greene, Alice Cullen’s actor – how Swift had asked to be in the film, even if it meant being just an extra.


“Taylor Swift and I had the same agent at the time, and he said, ‘Taylor would like to be in this movie – not because of you, but she’s a Twi-hard,'” Weitz explained.

He remembered the agent saying to him that Swift would “be someone at the cafeteria, or the diner, or whatever, but she just wants to be in this movie.”

While the director initially considered the pitch, he revealed that he felt obligated to say no for the betterment of the film, which he now regrets.

The reason he said no was due to Swift’s overwhelming fame at the time: “The hardest thing for me was to be like, ‘The moment that Taylor Swift walks onto the screen for about five minutes, nobody is going to be able to process anything,'” he explained.

But now Weitz has wishes that he’d accepted her request. “I was like, ‘Wow, I could have been, like, hanging out with Taylor Swift, and maybe we could’ve been friends or something.'”

“She must’ve just been like, ‘Who is this jerk who would say no?’ But sometimes, you make decisions and you go, ‘This is for the best of the film.'”

Thankfully, everything seemed to end well. The film was a success, and Taylor Swift is still just as famous as ever. But if Midnight Sun is ever adapted into a film, we now know who to call.

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About The Author

Lucy-Jo is a Movies and TV Writer at Dexerto, and has previously written for Screen Rant and Girls on Tops. After earning a Master's Degree in Film and Literature, Lucy-Jo now loves covering films, TV shows, and anime, especially if it's something by Mike Flanagan, or anything drenched in camp. You can contact her at lucyjo.finnighan@dexerto.com