The Boys star delivers harsh statement after intense backlash to fake plastic surgery rumors

Kayla Harrington
Erin Moriarty in The Boys

The Boys star Erin Moriarty released a lengthy statement criticizing recent allegations alleging she has had extensive plastic surgery.

Amazon Prime Video’s hit superhero series The Boys has been a massive hit since it first premiered back in 2019.

The show is set in a world where superheroes as corrupt and morally gray as regular people, and the group of vigilantes who try to stop them.

While the series is no stranger to dark themes and plot lines, it seems like some of that darkness has spilt into real life as The Boys star Erin Moriarty recently released a lengthy and harsh statement which denounced intense rumors that allege she has received extensive plastic surgery.

Homelander in The Boys poster

Moriarty slams conservative pundit who started surgery rumors

In a newly released Instagram post, Moriarty called out conservative pundit Megyn Kelly who alleged that Moriarty has an addiction to plastic surgery.

During an episode of her podcast The Megyn Kelly Show, Kelly called plastic surgery a “social illness” and called Moriarty out for getting a lot of work done.

Kelly showed two photos of Moriarty side by side, saying that the actress “decided to completely change her face” and pointing to the second picture stating, “I thought, ‘is this an AI-generated face,’ but apparently it’s real. She’s done this to herself.”

The actress was quick to release a statement through Instagram defending herself writing, “We’re all subject to levels of bullying throughout our lives but I am horrified, and I felt that I deserved to take a second to address these things. To receive a message about a disgustingly false, counterproductive to the degree of being ironically misogynistic video of Megyn Kelly commenting on the manner — to learn the widespread nature of this has left me horrified.”

Moriarty went on to explain that the first photo Kelly showed was taken “over a decade ago” and the second photo was taken at an event where she had her makeup applied with “major contouring.”

“I remember leaving and feeling pretty,” she wrote, “I came running to [the makeup artists] and I showed up in tears after what had happened that day and I left feeling better simply because I felt like they had reduced my lack of sleep and worked their magic wands.”

Moriarty ended her statement by announcing that she would be taking a semi permanent break from social media due to the about of abuse she suffered due to Kelly’s comments.

“Social media was my ability to connect with fans. My ability to work with but also mostly just share brands that I believe in on an independent level and otherwise,” The actress wrote, “To share news or updates. But I’m deciding to invest my energy into work into my work.”

“You’ve lost the privilege of this account. so, you can believe whatever you want,” Moriarty conclded, “But there’s no excuse for these horrific allegations, the verbal abuse that I have had to delete, and the genuinely false information that is being used to perpetrate a message that is exhibitionist feminism. You don’t have to believe me when I say these videos are absolutely false but the way this has been spoken about, the way I have been spoken to, I will not accept.