The terrible Sex and the City friend no one talks about

Kayla Harrington
The cast of Sex and the City

As people discover the glamorous world of Sex and the City, it’s time we discuss the show’s worst friend that no one seems to talk about.

Sex and the City — HBO’s hit 2000s series — has finally come to Netflix, so many young viewers are discovering the show for the first time.

The show follows a quartet of friends living in New York City: Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker), Miranda Hobbs (Cynthia Nixon), Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), and Charlotte York (Kristin Davis).

During the show’s six-season run, many fans crowned Carrie as the worst SATC friend due to her terrible decision-making, selfishness, and habit of not being a good friend. Still, as new people start binge-watching the show, we should finally discuss the one terrible friend in the group that no one seems to talk about: Charlotte York.

She’s too stuck in her ways

When people discuss the worst SATC friend, fingers automatically point to either Carrie or Miranda, but I believe that Charlotte is truly the worst of the bunch.

Charlotte is what is known as an old-school New York princess meaning she wants to settle down quickly and marry a man successful man who will give her a lot of babies.

Kristin Davis in Sex and the City

Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having this vision for your life, but Charlotte always takes it way too far and won’t deviate from this life path, even to the detriment of her personal growth.

There are quite a few times throughout the series where she meets someone who can be considered 99% her perfect partner, but she then uses that lack of the other one percent to dismiss them out of turn completely, and that ties into another flaw in her character.

She’s judgemental

Being overly judgmental is truly one of Charlotte’s worst personality traits, and it causes her to be a pretty bad friend most of the time.

During a few brief episodes in Season 4, Samantha was romantically linked to the artist Maria Diega Reyes whom she met through Charlotte as the latter worked as a gallery curator.

While their relationship doesn’t last long, Samantha’s infatuation with Maria highlighted how sexuality can be fluid and no one should be put into a box.

However, none of the other women took the relationship seriously, and Charlotte had the worst reaction of all as she told the group, “She’s not a lesbian. She just ran out of men.”

Kristin Davis in Sex and the City

While she’s most judgmental of Samantha due to her provocative nature, she doesn’t hold back from the others either. Charlotte showed outward disdain towards Miranda when she announced she was dating a bartender and shamed Carrie for how she was conducting her marriage with Mr. Big.

It’s not that out of the ordinary for close friends to judge your actions sometimes, but Charlotte always managed to tear her friends down when they needed her the most.

She’s not a supportive person

Charlotte called Miranda, Carrie, and Samantha her soulmates early on in the show, but her actions don’t really reflect that.

When Carrie was in financial distress and came close to losing her house, which would’ve caused her to have to leave New York, Charlotte didn’t even offer to help her. And while yes, she was not obligated to help her, Charlotte wasn’t upfront with Carrie about being uncomfortable about loaning her money; she simply made passive-aggressive comments and allowed one of her best friends to believe that she wasn’t worth even an offer to help.

After Miranda accidentally became pregnant while Charlotte was struggling to conceive, she practically told Miranda she had to keep the baby because it was a gift, all the while seeing that her friend was struggling with the decision.

There are more instances, but Charlotte’s support towards her friends seems to be increasingly few and far between.

No one on Sex and the City is the perfect friend, far from it, but it’s fascinating how Charlotte’s girl-next-door demeanor has shielded her from receiving the same criticism that characters have been raked over the coals for.

If you want more Sex and the City, check out the show’s spin-off series and check out even more TV shows to stream this month.