WhatTheHellNetflix trending on Twitter thanks to furious Warrior Nun fans

Eleni Thomas
#WhatTheHellNetflix header

Warrior Nun fans are once again calling our streaming service Netflix, this time causing #WhatTheHellNetflix to go viral on Twitter after the platform poked fun at its users who constantly message about having canceled WLW shows such as Warrior Nun revived.

#WhatTheHellNetflix is trending on Twitter after the streaming service took a jab at its followers in an Instagram story. On April 26, the company shared an image originally posted by Taco Bell complaining that most of their comments were fans asking for the return of a particular product. 

For Netflix, these comments come in the form of subscribers wondering why another well-beloved show was canceled.

Netflix called out for making fun of their viewership

The Warrior Nun fans have proven once again why they are some of the most vocal and loyal fans of any TV series. On April 26, Netflix shared an image first posted by Taco Bell. The post in question being Taco Bell complaining about how most of their social media comments are fans asking for previously canceled products to be returned to the menu.

While this may seem like a small joke from Netflix, those who know the history of the streaming service understand the context of this repost.

In the past few years, Netflix has been slammed by users for continuously canceling shows prematurely. In the past year alone, Netflix has been called out by members of the LGBTQ+ community for axing WLW TV focused shows.

For more context, check out Dexerto’s article, Why Netflix is being called lesbophobic for canceling Warrior Nun. Netflix users and Warrior Nun fans were quick to pick up on the Instagram jab from Netflix, with the #WhatTheHellNetflix now trending on Twitter.

Warrior Nun fans hit back against Netflix in new Twitter trend

Consequently, the hashtag has garnered over 40,000 tweets in less than 24, with Twitter users voicing their disappointing at the company while also taking the chance to once again hype up Warrior Nun and other queer-focused shows that were canceled.

One Twitter user posted, “making fun of the people who pay for your service is not a good look. do better. maybe start with genuinely listening to them.”

Another added, “WHAT THE HELL NETFLIX is trending cause Warrior Nun getting cancelled now I’ve never seen Warrior Nun but I’ll always happily hate on Netflix for cancelling shows for no reason I still want my season 3 of Altered Carbon you f**k.”

Time will tell if Netflix addresses the new trend or if they apologize for the initial Instagram repost. However, neither has been done at the time of writing.

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