Wolf Pack creator promises “ass-kicking” Sarah Michelle Geller in horror show

Chris Tilly
Sarah Michelle Gellar as an arson investigator in Wolf Pack.

Wolf Pack creator Jeff Davis reckons Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans will like Sarah Michelle Geller’s character in the show as she’s once again kicking ass.

Sarah Michelle Gellar is synonymous with her role as the title character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That show slayed for seven seasons and turned her into a household name as she battled all manner of monsters.

She’s now starring in a new series that covers similar territory, with Wolf Pack being a teen drama with horror elements.

In advance of the show’s debut on Paramount+ next week, Gellar and Davis have been discussing her involvement.

“Ass-kicking” Sarah Michelle Gellar

Showrunner Jeff Davis says it was a thrill to make a show with Gellar, though admits he didn’t realize just how good she is until he was editing footage together.

“I didn’t understand what we had until we were cutting the first trailer” Davis tells Variety. “I watched a scene of her breaking through a fence with a gun… Oh, sh*t! We didn’t just get Sarah Michelle Gellar, we got the one everybody’s been waiting to see for years: the ass-kicking Sarah Michelle Gellar.”

That said, Davis very nearly didn’t offer the role to his star. Gellar had taken a break from acting to raise her children, and while Paramount wanted her, the showrunner assumed there was no chance.

“I wasn’t even going to read the script,” explains Gellar. “I liked Jeff’s work, but I wasn’t going to do a werewolf show. But they convinced me to give it a look, and I loved what he was doing in the pilot. It reminds me of Buffy, not the show itself, but the way it addresses the horrors we’re facing today: anxiety, the stress of daily life, feeling isolated.”

What is Wolf Pack about?

Here’s the official synopsis for Wolf Pack…

When a raging wildfire descends on California, a mysterious creature hiding out in the forest is awoken and a group of teenagers find their lives changed forever. Wolf Pack stars Sarah Michelle Gellar, Rodrigo Santoro, Armani Jackson, Bella Shepard, Chloe Rose Robertson, and Tyler Lawrence Gray.

Wolf Pack launches on Paramount+ next Thursday (January 26) in the US and on Friday (January 27) in the UK and Australia, with episodes dropping every Thursday/Friday after that. Before then, you can find out all about Sarah Michelle Geller’s character here.