Yellowstone fans dub a whole season as “unwatchable”

Jessica Cullen
Luke Grimes as Kayce Dutton in Yellowstone, staring at the ground and looking sad

Yellowstone might not be perfect at the best of times, but fans of the Taylor Sheridan series have unanimously decided on which season is completely “unwatchable”.

While Yellowstone fans adore the series for the high-stakes danger, beautiful settings, and perfected cowboy vibes, it has its faults. With plot lines that go nowhere and incredibly questionable character morals, not everyone is willing to let the little flaws go.

And while that’s one thing, it’s an entirely different beast when you’ve got a whole season that’s causing trouble. So far, Yellowstone has four completed seasons, with Season 5 Part 2 on its way to finish out the show. That’s a lot of Dutton drama, and not all of it works.

In fact, Yellowstone fans have dubbed an entire season as a complete no-go, and it’s not looking good for the upcoming conclusion in the show.

Yellowstone fans turn against “unwatchable” season

Over on the Yellowstone subreddit, fans of the show have all agreed that the first half of Season 5 is completely “unwatchable.”

One post kicked off the backlash, writing: “Season 5 is painful. I don’t know if this is a shared or popular opinion, but I find Season 5 to be one of the most mind-numbingly boring seasons of television I’ve ever watched.

“There is no progress for the storyline or the characters. There is no more drama. They even got rid of one of the most endearing and redeeming characters on the show (Jimmy). I’m six episodes through the season and I’m fully considering just stopping it all together.”

Others were quick to join in, agreeing that the latest season (or, half of a season at least), is one of the worst installments in the entire show.

“Season 5 is awful. It’s as if they KNEW it was coming to an end,” one comment said, while another added: “I think fan score on RT season 4 was around 90%. Season 5 was 30%. It’s terrible.”

“Absolutely horrific. Borderline unwatchable IMO. Seasons 1-3 were great, 4 is where it took a sharp turn towards bad. And 5 REALLY sucks so far, like to the point where I don’t care if they even finish it,” said another.

“S5 is so boring and stagnant,” another user wrote. “Only reason I watched all of it was because I was already so invested. Thank god it’s over.”

Admittedly, Yellowstone Season 5 isn’t the most impressive by a mile. The first half of the season acts as a set-up for the remaining episodes – a move that’s ended up completely wasted, given how the show’s cancellation has upended any original plans for an arc.

Indeed, over on Rotten Tomatoes, Yellowstone Season 5 has the lowest audience score by a significant margin. At 38%, it’s far below the second-lowest score (Season 4), at 82%.

…But technically, Season 5 only exists in half form. There are only eight episodes of the final season so far, with the remaining ones to come in November 2024. It would be a struggle to save an already hated first half, that’s for certain. But this is Yellowstone. Anything’s possible.