Young Sheldon fans slam proposed Big Bang Theory prequel

Jasmine Valentine
Leonard in The Big Bang Theory

Young Sheldon fans aren’t ready to let the Coopers go, but have already slammed a new idea for a Big Bang Theory prequel.

Young Sheldon Season 7 will be responsible for bringing the Big Bang Theory sequel to a close, with both shows already tied together by lore — and now also upcoming cameos.

While some fans have argued that other Big Bang Theory sequels already exist, others think that fan-favorite side characters need their time to shine as well.

“Would anyone else love to see a young Leonard show?” one fan asked on Reddit. “Would be great to see how his mum treated him as a kid.”

In TBBT, Leonard has an especially prickly relationship with his mother Beverly, who shows almost no signs of maternal instinct or basic emotional capacity. In turn, this makes her highly compatible with Sheldon, leaving Leonard to feel like the odd one out.

However, this isn’t a spinoff that most fans want to see, slamming the idea before it even takes off.

“Not really. Considering he has a very emotionally abusive and manipulative narcissistic mother, it would likely be rather depressing,” a second added, with a third agreeing: “No, his mother treated him so badly it would be impossible to show her in a way fans would like.”

Mothers in the Young Sheldon and Big Bang Theory universe haven’t been looked on too kindly either, with the existing prequel raising plenty of concerns over Mary’s mothering.

“If you think we get too many “I hate Mary” posts, I can’t imagine the “I hate Beverly” overload,” a fourth fan concluded.

However, other TBBT characters are looked on more kindly for a potential sequel.

“I don’t find his [Leonard’s] character as interesting as Sheldon’s is, worth of a show,” a fifth fan stated. “On the other hand, a spin-off about Howard could be interesting since he has a different kind of background and it would be interesting to see how he grew up and decided a path (career-wise) that gets mocked by others a lot.

“Or Penny, her character would have a lot of great stuff from childhood to teenage years, maybe something more people could relate to.”

Young Sheldon Season 7 continues on CBS until May 16, 2024. Catch up with plenty more great TV shows to stream this month while you wait.