Leaked Young Sheldon Season 7 clip goes viral on TikTok

Jasmine Valentine
Iain Armitage in Young Sheldon Season 7

New episodes are mere days away, but a leaked clip from Young Sheldon Season 7 has already gone viral on TikTok.

The end is nigh for hardcore fans of Young Sheldon, with the prequel to hit comedy The Big Bang Theory beginning its final season on February 15.

Starting off by addressing the aftermath of the Texan tornado, Season 7 is set to be full of more laughs, disasters, and family challenges – including one death that fans still can’t work out whether it will happen or not.

While the Sheldon-verse is confirmed not to be disappearing entirely, ‘leaked’ clips of Young Sheldon Season 7 have gone viral on TikTok just days before the show’s debut.

Leaked Young Sheldon Season 7 clip goes viral on TikTok

Just days before it officially airs – and prior to its new trailer dropping during Super Bowl Sunday – a leaked clip from Young Sheldon Season 7 has now gone viral on TikTok.

In the clip, the Cooper family – minus Mary and Sheldon – can be seen discussing their post-tornado living arrangements, spearheaded by Missy’s organization. George Cooper Snr. is set to live in the garage, despite plenty of complaints. Meemaw is moving to Mary and George’s room, with Georgie and Mandy in Sheldon’s room.

While George and Georgie joke back and forth about having to sleep on the mattresses both Georgie and Constance were conceived on, Missy remains quietly smug, able to keep herself in her own room.

Young Sheldon fans quickly went wild for the sneak preview, commenting, “Wait if George is sleeping in the garage and he’s having a heart attack, how are the others supposed to know? Could this be the reason for his death in Season 7?”

Another fan mused: “I’m guessing something happened between Dale and Meemaw since she’s not going to live with him.”

For others, the absence of Sheldon and Mary was confusing – but don’t worry, they’re both safe and sound in Germany, with Sheldon studying there as the series opens.

Two more sneak preview clips have also been revealed over the past few days, focusing on Missy cooking the family dinner for the first time, and Mary deciding that she and Sheldon need to fly home earlier than they first thought.

Young Sheldon Season 7 airs weekly from February 15, 2024.