New Valorant Episode has Radiant players dropping to Gold

Daniel Appleford
Valorant Agent 'Reyna' in cinematic

Radiant Valorant players are getting placed in low Gold with the latest Episode and aren’t sure what to make of it.

The new year brought a new Episode and a fresh start to the ranking system. Valorant has a soft reset between Acts, meaning players start the ranked season about where they left it last Act. However, when a new Episode is released, all ranks get a hard reset and require players to climb back to the top.

Valorant does this to ensure that the players in higher ranks are meant to be there by forcing them to make their way up the ladder again. In previous years, Platinum has been the highest rank a player can hit after placements – regardless of prior rank.

However, the ranking system has been extra hard this year on those completing their placements. Some users have even experienced a drop as high as six rank tiers once finished.

Valorant placements have players scratching their heads

Now that Valorant ranked placements have started to come out, multiple high-ranking players have begun showing their low-level placements. This is often coupled with a screenshot of their last Act.

“Make it make sense bro,” said SoaR content creator Zod.

Zod spent half of the last Act in Radiant, the highest rank achievable in the game. He peaked at #1,630 in the World, something not everyone can accomplish. Commenters beneath the post on Twitter/X shared Zod’s surprise, with some jokingly telling him to ‘quit.’

“What,” questioned one user. “I was Diamond 1 and got placed Gold 1, which makes a whole lot more sense than Radiant being put in Gold.”

Valorant hasn’t addressed the dramatic changes to the ranked distribution at the start of the Episode. This means that those who are facing an uphill battle will have a long season ahead of them.