Saadhak claims LOUD is “unified” amid reports of fractured roster

Declan Mclaughlin
LOUD Valorant players Saddhak, Less and aspas

LOUD team captain Matias ‘Saadhak’ Delipetro has responded to a report saying that the squad is dealing with internal issues in a statement of solidarity with his teammates.

LOUD has been in a short slump after its VCT LOCK//IN and VCT Americas run. The squad started hot, placing second at VCT LOCK//IN and winning the VCT Americas playoffs, but cooled when it came to Masters Tokyo.

The team looked out of sorts and bombed out of the tournament after two matches, losing 2-0 to Evil Geniuses and EDward Gaming.

Rod ‘Slasher’ Breslau, an esports insider, claimed in a video with Valorant analyst and content creator Sean ‘sgares’ Gares that LOUD is dealing with internal issues around its star player Erick ‘aspas’ Santos.

aspas has continued to be one of the best Valorant players in the world this year, but looked notably off at Masters Tokyo and only played his signature Agent, Jett, on one map.

Slasher has reported that the team is fractured and has even practiced without the star on a trip to Brazil as aspas chose to stay in Los Angeles with his partner instead of traveling with the squad.

LOUD IGL Saadhak hits back at report of fracture around aspas

LOUD’s team captain Saadhak has responded to the report, saying the team is unified and ready to make a run at Valorant Champions 2023.

“Our team has always been closed to the outside, we exist within our bubble and we leave everyone outside the team outside. Incredible what people do to create clickbait without knowing anything, we are united and focused 100% for the Champions,” Saadhak said in a post.

LOUD was seeded into one of the more difficult groups in the Valorant World Championship. The Brazilian squad will potentially have to fight through Team Liquid, NAVI and DRX to make the playoff stage of the event.

The squad has high expectations from fans at the tournament, thanks to their previous form in 2023 and having won Valorant Champions over a year ago.