Saadhak claims Sentinels will be a VCT powerhouse with Marved: “They just need a little practice”

Declan Mclaughlin
LOUD saadhak before playing Sentinels at VCT Americas

LOUD defeated Sentinels in a tough 2-1 series as Jimmy ‘Marved’ Nguyen made his debut. LOUD’s IGL Matias ‘Saadhak’ Delipetro said after the match that Sentinels could be a scary VCT Americas opponent with some practice.

Sentinels came into Week 4 of VCT Americas on a short schedule as Marved joined the squad for practice mid-week as the league started its super week in his debut weekend. Sentinels ran up against LOUD in their first match and were handed a 2-1 loss that had some bright spots, like taking the first map 13-6.

After the match, LOUD’s IGL told Dexerto that with a little more practice, he could see Marved and Sentinels becoming a headache for the rest of the league.

“They have you, Gustavo ‘Sacy’ Rossi. They have Bryan ‘pANcada’ Luna now they have Marved, who is like an ex-world champion. So the guys, they have it, you know. They just need a little bit more practice, and they will be like a powerhouse for sure,” Saadhak told Dexerto in a post-match interview.

Saadhak gives Sentinels props after VCT Americas match

The last time Saadhak matched up against Marved was in the 2022 Valorant Champions grand final, in which he bested him and OpTic Gaming.

“He’s still got it,” the IGL said. “He still can’t defeat us.”

With the win over Sentinels, LOUD moves to 4-0 in league play. While the squad has enjoyed winning out all of its matches so far, Saadhak said his team isn’t focused on continuing the win streak and dropping matches.

“We just want to go to Japan. We want to go to Champions… Basically, for us, the winning streak doesn’t really matter. It’s more like it’s a consequence of our efforts,” the LOUD IGL said.

LOUD will have a chance to continue its streak of wins against Evil Geniuses as VCT Americas super week competition continues on April 24.