Jujutsu Kaisen spoilers reveal Yuji’s complex technique

Tulisha srivastava
An image of Yuji Itadori from Jujutsu Kaisen

The upcoming Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 248 spoilers reveal Yuji using the most complex technique in the entire series.

Even though the manga is in its final stage, Jujutsu Kaisen has yet to explore Yuji Itadori’s powers fully. As if the power system wasn’t already complex enough, Yuji’s case is even more unique. He isn’t born with an innate or inherited technique, so there’s a limit to what he can do.

Against tricky opponents such as Mahito, he needs aid from Nobara Kugisaki and Aoi Todo. Nonetheless, Yuji is someone with endless potential, and the manga is slowly unraveling his true abilities. Soon after Sukuna defeats Gojo and Kashimo, Yuji suddenly jumps onto the battlefield along with Higuruma.

The King of Curses has noticed a massive improvement in Yuji’s abilities. However, Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 248 spoilers reveal Yuji using the most difficult and complex technique that only a select few are capable of. Warning: this article contains spoilers from the upcoming Chapter 248!

Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 248 reveals another Yuji technique

Jujutsu Kaisen Yuji Itadori chapter 256

According to Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 248 spoilers, Yuji learned to use Reverse Cursed Technique in just one month.

The chapter begins with Yuji failing to stab Sukuna with Higuruma’s Executioner’s Sword. However, the King of Curses dodges it and notices something strange. Yuji’s stomach wound from Chapter 247 is healed. Using Reverse Cursed Technique on others has 50% less efficiency.

Since Yuji’s wound healed in the middle of the battle, that could only mean one thing – he used RCT on himself. Even the King of Curses believes that to be the case. The power system in Jujutsu Kaisen is extremely complex, and RCT is by far the most difficult one to master.

It is a special type of cursed technique that converts negative cursed energy into positive energy. It is a very complex technique and is primarily used to heal or regenerate. After that, it’s just simple mathematics of multiplying two negatives and making it a positive.

However, the real challenge is accumulating all that cursed energy in the first place. Jujutsu Sorcerers or even curses train themselves to use channel their negative emotions into energy. Yuji has been training relentlessly before the battle against Sukuna began, and it’s safe to say that his efforts have paid off. The fight is still ongoing, so there’s no doubt the series will reveal more amazing abilities of this beloved protagonist.