Baldur’s Gate 3 keeps player alive on 0 HP in “wild” bug

Brianna Reeves
baldur's gate 3 hp bug

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player encountered a “wild” HP bug that kept them alive, even though their Tav had zero health.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has been plagued with its fair share of strange glitches like countless other games. Players argue that some gameplay errors, such as the repeat death animation bug, actually elevate the experience.

Meanwhile, it’s not unheard of for select issues to add a new wrinkle of fun every now and again. A BG3 player who recently ran into one such problem couldn’t help but laugh at the strange circumstance they found themselves in.

Fortunately for them, it appears as though everything worked out in the end.

Baldur’s Gate 3 HP bug won’t leave player for dead

BG3 user Rowanever shared details of their HP-related woes in a Reddit thread. According to the player, their Tav got “slammed” during a fight against harpies on a beach and slowly started bleeding out.

Shadowheart tried healing the hero with zero hit points, which, to the player’s surprise, actually woke their character back up. “[Tav] gets back up to keep fighting. With 0HP. Finishes off the fight, killing the rest of the harpies himself.”

With the battle concluded, the game updated the player’s status to “dead,” despite the character still walking around unharmed. In a subsequent post, the user noted that enemies ignored them because their Tav was considered deceased.

Elsewhere in the thread, the original poster said this Baldur’s Gate 3’s HP bug had also made it so “every jump is marked as leading to death.”

Other fans seemed intrigued by the glitch, with one writing, “Shadowheart has either done the best or worst possible bit of healing there. What an incredible bug.”

Someone said they once faced a similar issue where Shadowheart was “walking around with dead status” after a supposedly deadly explosion. A long rest fixed things in their favor.

Interestingly, the original poster said a long rest did the trick for them, as well. But at least they were able to enjoy the “ghost playthrough” while it lasted.