MW3 player is baffled at Cruise Missile trajectory

John Esposito
MW3 player is baffled at Cruise Missile trajectory

MW3’s Cruise Missile can be very hit or miss, and one clip hilariously showcased the duality of the Killstreak.

An important pillar of Call of Duty’s explosive multiplayer portion is the Kill/Scorestreak system: a means to reward players for playing the objective or dominating the opposition.

From donning the Juggernaut suit to calling in a UAV for enemy intel gathering, MW3 upholds the series’ standard with a full slate of rewards to use. However, not every Killstreak is created equally, with some leaving room for improvement.

Look no further than the Cruise Missile and a clip a player shared showing off how much of a pain it can be.

MW3 player dodges a Cruise Missile in the luckiest way possible

In recent CoD entries, the Cruise Missile has proven to be hit or miss, as even the slightest adjustment will send it off the map.

In a match on Wasteland, an enemy Cruise Missile was called in, all but guaranteeing MW3 player Lewserlewkus‘s death. As they watched the casing fall off, they looked up as the missile rapidly approached them.

Yet, in a wild turn of events, the Cruise Missile made a J-shaped curve and completely missed the player. Lewserlewkus could only look and stand in disbelief as they escaped death.

As hard as it’s gotten to control, some players have actually managed to master the Cruise Missile. “Throwback to MW19 when people were curving this sh*t through buildings,” a player said, to which another replied with an absurd quad feed.

Some of the replies blamed the original poster’s use of the Gaia skin for the reason why they escaped. “Definitely didn’t see you because you’re in the Gaia(Groot) skin,” a player commented.

Gaia skin or not, the original poster did share advice on how to be like them: “I took Drax’s advice and stood still so I wouldn’t be seen lol.”

You can check out our coverage here for more MW3 stories.

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About The Author

John graduated with a degree in Sport Management in 2017, before discovering he had a hidden joy for writing. Since then, he's worked for GameRant, Twinfinite, and Jaxon, covering everything related to gaming. Currently, he's a Games Writer for Dexerto, and all tips and tricks welcome: