Grace Van Dien responds to Faze Rain’s comments: “I didn’t expect hatred from inside the house”

Eleni Thomas
Grace Van Dien FaZe Rain header

Stranger Things actor turned FaZe Clan content creator Grace Van Dien has hit back against new comments made by FaZe Rain in regards to her signing with the organization, also calling out Rain for his attacks being a result of her being “a girl.”

Over the last few years, many celebrities, actors and other profile stars have collaborated or linked up with esports and gaming organizations. This move being a great way to attract new eyes to the organizations as well as diversify the type of talent includes in each.

FaZe Clan are arguably one of the pioneers for this moves, with the likes of Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kyler Murray, rap icon Snoop Dogg, and a few others all collaborating with the org over the years. However, this change of direction has been met with controversy. Particularly from those who founded FaZe and were there through the inception of the company. 

FaZe Rain, whose been with the org since the early days, has been one of those criticizing the new owners and leaders. Even going so far as spoiling the announcement that Stranger Things actor Grace Van Dien would be joining the group. Rain then called the signing a “political” move and has been critical of Van Dien ever since.

However, in a recent stream, Van Dien addressed a new wave of comments made by FaZe Rain, as well as providing some context to the backlash.

She prefaced to conversation by stating that it may not be an easy one to hear for some people. “I just want to put a trigger warning…so if you need to leave the live I understand. There might be some things that you don’t want to talk about right now which is totally fair but I need to talk about.”

She then began talking about her journey in FaZe and why she wants to speak up against Rain and defend herself rather than letting his comments go unaddressed.

“Everyone keep telling me just don’t respond but I grew up with a lot of obstacles and I didn’t always have a lot of people defending me and so I just always want to defend myself. I joined a streaming organization. I met with them in July or August last year. I’ve been telling them for a couple of days just about how excited I am to help bring in a female voice. 

They already have a female content creator but I wanted to be the other one and I wanted to help bring in this female energy and this female voice into an organization that is not necessarily female-friendly.”

Grace Van Dien responds to FaZe Rain’s new criticism and sexist comments

When she the revealed that “one of the employees of Faze reached out to me and said Rain feels bad and would like to talk to me” she then added that Rain has done no such thing and, despite being vocal about his disliking of her signing, never mentioned it prior to the initial announcement.

“I would have been more prepared for this bigger hatred wave. Instead, he didn’t do that. I, in response to him saying they’re using me as a poster child said get fucking wrecked and he didn’t like that.”

Van Dien then went through and systematically responded to new comments Rain made about her gaming ability as well as the personal attacks he made about her.

When he made fun of her for only being Gold in Valorant, she highlighted that “I was hired as a content creator. I recognize that I’m not the best at video games I wish I was. I grew up playing them, but didn’t really improve much.”

She then spoke about her role in Stranger Things and pushed back against the idea that she makes her role in the show her “entire personality.”

Grace Van Dien Faze Rain
Grace Van Dien has officially joined FaZe Clan after finding success in Stranger Things

“I’m really proud of Stranger Things and the impact that a role that I had less than 10 minutes playing has had. I think it’s okay to be proud and talk about your achievements. 

Van Dien then admitted that she does not know what a Trick Shot is but also noted “I know that’s what you’re kinda known for but I know you Rain as the person who almost overdosed on a live stream and I know that you’re better now and I’m really proud of you for that. I am because I grew up with a mom who was heavily into drugs.”

Finally, Van Dien called FaZe Rain out for calling her “mid” and stating that he would not let her “put hands on him” even if he was drunk.

“That is a very classy joke considering you were in the organization at the same time as a man who is accused of sexually harassing multiple women when they are intoxicated. I stand with the woman by the way where do you stand.”

She then ended the conversation buy stating that she believes the reason Rain has said all these things is because she “is a girl.”

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