KSI says he’ll “absolutely destroy” Tommy Fury after sparring footage

Shay Robson
KSI laughing while wearing yellow Arsenal FC shirt

YouTuber KSI has claimed he’ll “absolutely destroy” his upcoming opponent Tommy Fury after seeing sparring footage from the Love Island star.

After Jake Paul fell to the hands of Tommy Fury earlier this year, KSI has been itching to get in the ring with the professional boxer, aiming to prove once and for all that he’s miles ahead of his rival.

Following months of negotiations with disputes over pay and weight, the two will finally touch gloves on October 14 at the AO Arena in Manchester, UK.

Now with both sides training ahead of their fight, KSI is more confident than ever after seeing recent sparring footage from his opponent.

KSI claims he’s going to “absolutely destroy” Tommy Fury

In the build-up to his next bout, footage has surfaced of Tommy briefly sparring with his older brother, who’s a boxing heavyweight champion with an impressive 33-0-1 record.

Despite sparring with a heavyweight world champion, it’s fair to say KSI was left rather unimpressed with what he saw, claiming he’ll “absolutely destroy” him if that’s how he’s preparing for their upcoming bout.

“If this is his training, then I’m gonna absolutely destroy him this October,” he wrote on Twitter.

However, while KSI is rather nonplussed about Tommy’s skills, many have noted it isn’t easy to look good when sparring Tyson, who stands at 6ft 9in.

“Tbf I don’t think anyone could look good being pressured from 6’9ft heavyweight champion Tyson fury lol,” one wrote. “Are you thick? He’s sparring heavy weight world champ?” another hit out.

With the fight not slated till October 14, where we’ll also be seeing Logan Paul vs Dillon Danis touch gloves on the same night, there’s still plenty of time for training to ramp up.

In an attempt to taunt his opponent, KSI has recently come under fire fans for using a TikToker’s appearance to mock Fury. Furthermore, the YouTube star has claimed a fight with Jake Paul will make no sense once he’s done with Tommy.