Logan Paul says he’s “retiring” from boxing after Dillon Danis victory

Virginia Glaze

Logan Paul hinted that he might be “retiring” from boxing after his victory over Dillon Danis, saying he wants to focus on his exploits in the WWE.

Logan Paul has come a long way from his origins on Vine in the mid-2010s. After building his YouTube empire and enduring multiple controversies, he’s become one of the top faces of the influencer-boxing phenomenon and an explosive heel in the WWE.

In October 2023, Logan defeated his bitter rival Dillon Danis, a mixed martial artist who notably harassed Paul’s fiance online as a means to ‘promote’ their bout for weeks leading up to fight night.

This marked his first-ever boxing victory after his viral bouts against KSI and Floyd Mayweather… but it looks like Logan is already wanting to put up the gloves for good.

Logan Paul WWE header
Logan Paul took home a major WWE victory after winning a championship match against Rey Mysterio on November 4.

Logan Paul hints his boxing career is done in new ‘retirement’ speech

In an interview with Fox Business, Paul appeared to hint that he’s ready to retire from the Sweet Science, saying he wants to focus on his wrestling exploits instead.

“Yeah, I think I’ve retired from boxing,” Logan said with a smile. “I think I’ve done enough in the sport, going fully undefeated at 25-0. So yeah, I’m gonna be a wrestler now.”

“No more money in boxing,” he continued. “Every company is going broke, so [I’m] a full-time wrestler.”

(Topic begins at 0:15)

It’s unclear if Logan was just joking or not, owing to his humorous quip about going “undefeated” in the sport. Logan notably lost to KSI in their explosive 2019 rematch after their initial bout ended in a draw. After that, Logan faced off against Floyd Mayweather in an exhibition match where no winners were crowned.

It’s clear that Logan is living it up after his victory against Rey Mysterio, wearing his belt at any and every occasion — although he did reveal one instance in which the WWE purportedly told him he cannot wear it, under any circumstances.