Federal Ruling Gives States the Right to Legalize Online Sports Betting, Which Includes Esports

The United States Supreme Court has decided that the ban on federal sports betting is unconstitutional which can open the door for esports gambling in the future.

First enacted in 1992, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA) was passed by the United States Supreme Court to strike down on state-authorized sports gambling nationwide.

Nevada was the only state in the country that allowed authorized sports betting, with a collection of other states attempting to fight the ban ever since it was passed in the early 90’s.

This made it difficult for Americans to wager on sporting events, with Las Vegas becoming a hub throughout the country for individuals to legally place bets on a number of different sports.

On Monday, May 14th, the Supreme Court voted 7-2 in to overturn PASPA, which will now allow states to decide whether or not to allow sports gambling in the future.

The historic decision will also impact the esports community in the future, including the chance for betting websites and other avenues to offer lines for esports events across different titles.

It should be noted that even though the Supreme Court has voted against PASPA, it will likely take multiple years before authorized sports and esports gambling are fully up-and-running in certain states

As of writing, it is unknown how the decision will impact ‘skin betting’ websites for games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and others in the future.