Brand new type of Trap found in v6.20 game files of Fortnite

Albert Petrosyan

It appears as though a brand new type of Trap item could be coming soon to Fortnite Battle Royale.

The recently released v6.20 update in Fortnite has added some new games files to the back end, and data miners at FNBRLeaks have discovered a new item called the ‘Oil Slick Trap.’

According to the leak, the new Trap’s description would be: “Creates a slippery surface.”

Since the Oil Slick Trap is very much still in the early stages of development, there are no icons, 3D renders, or any visuals of the item at this time.

However, early indications hint at it possibly having a similar effect to the new Freeze Traps that were recently added to Fortnite, which turns players’ feet into ice cubes and causes them to slide uncontrollably. 

Considering that this Trap will not be added to the game any time soon, it could end up being a replacement for the Freeze Trap, since their effects are so similar.

However, time will have to tell, and we will provide any more information about this new item as it is leaked out in the coming days and weeks.

The new v6.20 update in Fortnite went live early on August 24, and it kicked off the start of the Fortnitemares Halloween in-game event.

For full details about all of the additions and changes, including Fortnitemares, the new Six Shooter weapon, leaked cosmetic items, and more, you can read through the full patch notes HERE.

About The Author

Albert is a former esports and gaming writer, focused particularly on Call of Duty and content creators. Spending over three years at Dexerto, Albert eventually now works with streamer NICKMERCS and the MFAM group. You can find Albert @AlbertoRavioli on Twitter.