FaZe Fortnite Pro ‘Cloak’ Comments on KEEMSTAR’s Feud vs Epic Games – “Friday Fortnite Helps EVERYONE Out”

Albert Petrosyan

Professional Fortnite player Brian ‘Cloak’ Lepore has offered his perspective on the recent spell of controversy involving the popular weekly ‘Friday Fortnite’ competition.

The captain of FaZe Clan’s pro team spoke exclusively with Dexerto about Friday Fortnite creator Daniel ‘KEEMSTAR’ Keem’s ongoing feud with Epic Games over tournament scheduling issues.

KEEMSTAR’s clash with Epic Games came into the spotlight when reports surfaced that the Fortnite developers have scheduled a $500,000 ‘Summer Skirmish’ Solos tournament for July 19, the same day as Friday Fortnite.

Having already put plans in place to move his competition to Sundays starting July 29, KEEM took offense at Epic’s inconsistent scheduling and ultimately announced that he will be hosting his tournament on the 19th, as planned.

Following the public start to the feud, we reached out to FaZe’s Cloak to get pick his brain on the situation, considering that he is a four-time winner of Friday Fortnite.

Although he sympathized with both sides, Cloak admitted that Friday Fortnite is very important to the content creation community.

“I mean its obvious epic doesn’t want anyone else running events at the time. Thus capping Keemstar’s friday fortnites at 20k, They know how much Friday fortnite means to content creators and pros currently. Since there isn’t any pro tournaments coming up until early 2019. We’re technically all content creators and Friday fortnite helps EVERYONE out ESPECIALLY us ‘pros.'”

However, he also believes that Epic Games knows the value of Friday Fortnite and would not intentionally interfere with it.

“Kinda sucks but I think it was someone who scheduled it completely wrong because it does seem that Epic watches Friday fortnite weekly.”

Unfortunately, many of the big names in the community who have been invited to participate in both tournaments will have to make a difficult choice, at least for this week.

With KEEMSTAR soon moving Friday Fortnite to Sundays, many players will have the luxury of competing in both, being in the running to win a lot of money.

About The Author

Albert is a former esports and gaming writer, focused particularly on Call of Duty and content creators. Spending over three years at Dexerto, Albert eventually now works with streamer NICKMERCS and the MFAM group. You can find Albert @AlbertoRavioli on Twitter.