How to watch the Fortnite x Batman event premiere stream

Connor Bennett

Epic Games will be hosting a ‘premiere’ ahead of their Fortnite crossover with DC Comics and Batman. However, if you aren’t sure when and where it’ll be happening, don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. 

Fortnite players are no strangers to seeing crossovers pop up on the Battle Royale island. Marvel’s Avengers, Jordan shoes, and Borderlands 3 have already made their mark in-game with skins, limited-time modes, and a rift zone – while Netflix’s Stranger Things had their own skins and in-game references.

Yet, the newest, which sees Epic Games link up with DC Comics to celebrate international Batman day, will mark Gotham City’s debut in Fortnite. However, before things get underway, they’re having a premiere – and here’s everything you need to know about it. 

Epic GamesThe leaked loading screenshots for Fortnite teased Gotham’s reckoning.

Fortnite x Batman premiere stream

On September 20, after plenty of rumors and speculation, Epic Games finally confirmed their crossover with Batman. The pop culture pair will link up for a premiere that will happen on Epic’s YouTube channel on September 21.

While it may be a Saturday afternoon for most of the world, anyone in the United States who wants to watch the action unfold is in for an early start. The stream, which you can catch below, will begin at 8AM EDT/5AM PDT/1PM GMT/2PM CEST. 

How to claim Fortnite x Batman exclusive items

There is an added bonus for getting out of bed early, however, and watching the unfold as players who have their Epic account linked to YouTube will receive an exclusive drop. 

What that is, though, remains to be seen. Yet, if your accounts aren’t linked, be sure to head to YouTube, go into your account settings, hit connected accounts and set up the link to Epic Games there. 

A full rundown on how to link your YouTube and Epic Games accounts.

When does the Fortnite x Batman crossover begin?

Just when the action will kick off in-game is up in the air as players wait for the Titled Town rift zone to morph into Gotham.

There has been plenty of hints, including leaked items, missions, and cosmetics, but Epic still hasn’t announced when you’ll be able to jump into a match and live out your dreams of being the caped crusader. 

It could all very well come once the premiere is over, and the video could simply be a distraction for any downtime that players could be in for. 

Once the official word is out, though, you can be sure to get all the latest and breaking news from Dexerto.

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About The Author

Based out of Liverpool, Connor is Dexerto's UK News Editor having joined the website in 2018 with a degree in International Journalism. You can find him covering everything from CoD, GTA, FIFA, Apex Legends, and influencer boxing. Need to get in touch? Email Connor at