‘Moonlight’ LTM Concept Turns the Fortnite Map Completely Dark With Some Awesome Features

A Reddit user has created a ‘Moonlight’ Limited Time Mode concept for Fortnite: Battle Royale which involves the map being plummeted into darkness.

Limited Time Modes in Fortnite have gained a substantial amount of notoriety in recent months for their ability to bring something ‘fresh’ to the title, with the modes allowing players to experience the game in a collection of new ways.

Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite, has continuously attempted to design LTM’s that will put a spin on the title, and stray away from the typical playlists of Solos, Duos, and Squads in order to test potential future additions.

The developer has always taken feedback from community members incredibly seriously since Fortnite’s release in 2017 on platforms such as Twitter and Reddit, including possible ideas for new LTM’s and other new content.

A Reddit user by the name of FLcitizen has created a new LTM concept titled ‘PUBG Has Dropped The Lawsuit Against Epic Games and Fortnite

Players will be given headlamps and thermal weapons so they can navigate through the darkness, however, if caught in the storm, headlamps will no longer work and players will only be able to rely on the mini-map for direction.

A full list of the rules can be found below, along with the original LTM-concept poster.

  • All scoped weapons will be thermal – At the moment, the only weapon that is thermal is the Scoped Assault Rifle, which has been added to Fortnite Battle Royale quite recently. The other Scoped weapons in the game at the moment are the Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle and the Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle, which currently have no thermal attachment.
  • Head Lamps – players will be able to turn these on/off and will be necessary as some areas of the map will be pitch black, even in buildings. The Head Lamps will light up an area around the players so they will be able to navigate around the map.
  • The map will also be black, except for the area in which players are located. You will only be able to see the storm circle if it is close on the map.
  • It has also been suggested that the headlamps will stop working if players are lost to the storm, but you will still be able to see your position on the map.

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