Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition officially announced following leaks

Ethan Dean
Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition

Beyond Good & Evil is getting its second remaster with news regarding the sequel still quiet. After some initial leaks, Ubisoft officially announced the Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition.

Ubisoft’s Beyond Good & Evil is one of the most beloved video games of all time and fans have been desperate for a sequel. Beyond Good & Evil 2 was revealed in May 2008, but since then its development has languished.

The last official news of the sequel was a report that the game is still “years away” according to sources close to the developers. Less officially, Beyond Good & Evil 2 entered the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest development period for a video game. Take that Skull & Bones.

Well, fans may still have years to wait for a sequel, but a remaster of the much-loved original is on its way. Following a major leak, Ubisoft announced the Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition via the Beyond Good & Evil 2 X account.

Referencing the initial leak, the company responded openly about the upcoming remaster. “Well, looks like the cat’s out of the bag, dagnammit. Happy 20th anniversary to Beyond Good & Evil!” it said.

The announcement was in response to an internal mistake that uploaded an early version of the game to the company’s Game Pass-like subscription service. Certain Ubisoft Plus subscribers were even able to download and play it before Ubisoft took action.

“An early development version of Beyond Good & Evil 20th Anniversary Edition was recently released to some Ubisoft Plus subscribers by mistake,” the company explained. “We apologize for any confusion and want to assure our community that this version is not indicative of the final game.”

Ubisoft reiterated that they were investing significant resources into ensuring that fans would be happy with the remaster. “As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Beyond Good & Evil, our commitment to delivering a game that meets the high expectations of our fans is unwavering.”

Fans responding to the post seemed genuinely excited about this new remaster given the most recent version of the game released in 2011, although some would have preferred sequel news. “I was 18 years old when it was revealed and now I’m 33,” one player pointed out.

Ubisoft has said more information about the remaster will be revealed in early 2024, though an early Xbox store page that has since been removed gave some description. Read it in the tweet above.